Saturday, May 25, 2013

Live Out Your Calling

I have always been a dreamer, well maybe more of a hopeless romantic
A year ago I could not have told you what dreams I had
Yes, there those dreams of getting married and having a family
But I never found myself having real specific dreams 

However, this past year the Lord has placed dreams on my heart that I never saw coming
It has been one whirlwind of an adventure to fulfill some of those and then to dream some more

This past year I have also felt more doubt then ever before
I fall into Satan's trap of thinking I am not good enough to have dreams
I am too foolish
They are too big
 They cant be accomplished
It is just Satan's way of attacking us in our most vulnerable state

Satan knows when we start dreaming, we get dangerous
We gain hope and confidence!
We discover just how powerful we can be when we are filled with the spirit to fulfill those dreams! 
Our true calling, our purpose for His kingdom

So, tonight I would like to share those dreams
Almost all of them are dreams that have come into my heart just this past year
God is doing amazing things in my heart
He is transforming it exactly for Him
For His kingdom 
The Lord has placed these dreams on my heart for a reason
He promises to fulfill those desires of our hearts 
 Beautiful and exhilarating

I dream to travel to Africa and shine the light and love of Christ on many children

I dream to travel to every major cities Children's Hospital and pass out Joy Jars

I dream to have a platform that allows me to go into hospitals and spread faith hope and love. 

I dream to be baptized in the Jordan River with my husband, Beth and kevin

I dream to be debt free in two years

I dream to have a marriage that has a ministry and platform to share the gospel 

I dream to travel the world with my husband

I dream to have a family and raise my children to know Christ and be an example of His love

I dream to travel the nation and run races for charity

I dream of helping young women who have walked along the same path as me

I dream of having a marriage that serves others and is a godly example to others

I dream of marrying the man God created for me in front of all my friends and family 

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He Knows

So, yes it has been awhile since I have written
Not that I don't have anything to write about because I do! 
A lot
God is continuing to teach me, lead me and guide me on His path
He is continuing to bless me more than I know
And most importantly He constantly shows me grace when I fail
A lot

Over the past couple weeks God has been showing me one very specific lesson 
He knows my dreams
He knows my desires
He knows He will fulfill those in His time

If I trust in Him and know He wont lead me astray, then why do I forget to live in the moment?
It is easy for me to get excited about my dreams I forget that I still have a purpose for today
I look past all the blessings He is showing me today
I don't ask how He can use me today

Each day is a new chance to glorify Him
Each day is a new opportunity to grow in Him
Each day is full of blessings and His grace

You see, because each day has a specific reason 
Each day is part of His ultimate plan to use you in this life
He is slowly molding you, guiding you, preparing you for His glory
And when the timing is right He will open that new door
A new dream will be fulfilled and better than you ever imagined
And then the preparing and molding starts over again as He guides you to another dream

Instead of asking God "What's next" which implies waiting around for something to happen
Approach each day with the question 

"I am yours today Lord, how can you use me to be a light for You, today? "

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Directly to the Mailbox


DON'T LOSE The WONDER, The JOY, The CHILDLIKE ENCOUNTERS you can have every day
They help you see and listen to God a little better
Don't take things too seriously,
             You'll miss the purpose for which God placed them in your life                

God has given you teams to coach, families to raise, friends and neighbors to cherish, and LIFE to experience ABUNDANTLY (John10:10). 

Don't let the ENEMY of your soul STEAL any of it.
Do that and you'll press ... ONWARD and UPWARD.

My own little blessings

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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Mothers Love

This past weekend we got to celebrate the best and my favorite woman on this earth
My mom

Who has always been the one to encourage and inspire me to grow? 
My mom

Who has taught me the importance of telling the truth and living out that truth? Even when that meant going up to my coaches house to tell her the truth because I told her I was in 5th grade when I really was in 4th.
My mom

Who has always been there to dry my MANY tears and wash away my doubts?
My mom

Who is proud of me no matter what I do in life? 
My mom

Who prays everyday for my future husband and believes in our future marriage? Even when I thought I was going to marry Devon Sawa or Superman.
My mom

Who has taught me the power of prayer?
My mom

Who has showed me the love, patience and kindness?
My mom

And most importantly, who has showed me how to live out my faith, how to be a women of faith, a Proverbs 31 woman, a Wife of Noble character?

My mother 

I am not a mom yet but when I do become one, I know exactly who I want to be like
My mom

Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting: but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Proverbs 31:30 

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Friday, May 10, 2013

Just a Glimpse

I was absolutely blessed to have my best friends supporting me!
So inpsired by them all and blessed to have them along this journey!

I was able to go down to Cali and run a 5k for The Jessie Rees Foundation
This past winter a little girl named Jessie stole my heart
I have since then made it my mission to help her continue her dream of spreading JOY
I dont know why this charity has stole my heart but it did
My heart has found a passion so deep I never thought was possible
A passion and desire to forever help bring children hope, joy and a future

Have you ever had a glimpse of what you think God is calling you to do?
Just a little taste of what your future holds, your dreams and goals?
I did last weekend when I decided to run the 5k

After the race I met my friends by the The Jessie Rees charity table
Just having your best friends support you is an amazing feeling
But I felt like I needed to talk to the founder of the charity and father of Jessie
His name is Erik Rees
I read all about the charity online and the letters he writes to his daughter in heaven
I am forever inspired by his strength and faith
I just needed to tell him

If you know me, you know I can be a little reserved so after talking myself in and out of doing it
I found a the right time and walked up and introduced myself
A blink of a moment
That was all it took for me to see the glimpse of my purpose
We chatted for a few minutes
I told him how inspiring him and his family are
We talked about the weather and our SPU connection
He then thanked me and hugged me goodbye

But I knew it was not goodbye
It is only the beginning of what I truly believe is my future
I kept asking myself "Is this real? This is happening?"
I felt like I was in a dream
My dreams
They are becoming true and real

I am back home in Seattle now after two weeks of "glimpes" of my dreams
Sometimes I feel my heart becoming heavy and thinking "what now God?"
I am yearning for God to teach me to just TRUST
Trust He has me
Trust He will work things out
Trust that He has something absolutely amazing in store for my life
So much more than I can ever imagine
A life that radically shows that He is God of all
A life that honors & serves Him
A life that fills, rocks and shakes me to the core of my being
However, I must not forget to be thankful during this time of waiting
I must wait Intentaionally
Wait and remember that moment chatting with Erik
That glimpse, that taste of my future
That moment my dreams slowing became reality
I was reminded these past two weeks just how BIG our God is
And you know what? Our goals and dreams should be just as big!
I dont want to barley get by
God created us to be brave
 Created to excel
Created us to live a life of adventure
Take risks

 “(smile) I’m yours today Lord, I’m ready now and listening…” 

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

In Living Those Dreams, You Dream Again

Well, Hello there May
Where did the time go? I cant believe it is already May!
It just seemed ike yesterday I was ringing in the New Year
The season of spring has sprung around the Seattle area

You know what else has sprung?

My dreams
HOPE is alive

Last spring my passion for childrens charities began
Fast forward 12 months and here I am
Just completed my first half marathon for a St. Jude
I saw "my first" because I know this wont be the last race to complete for charity
This was a weekend that was only a spark of my dreams
 Only a glimpse of what I feel is my future

One of the best parts of the weekend was spending time with my best friend Sarah
She drove from Alabama with her husband Jon and 3 month old, Everett
Sarah is a friend that no matter the distance we remiain close
We share our life with each other, all the ups and downs, dreams and desires
We spent the weekend doing just that but in Nashville!
We always talk about traveling together and going on adventures
They will be moving to Germany for three years and I cant wait for those adventures!

I flew by myself on the way there and then we all flew back together
Baby Everett was so good on the two flights home!

Blessed and humbled by all the support I received. Thank you for your donations, but most importantly for your thoughts and prayers.

I was truly blessed with amazing support for this race
I know so many people were cheering, praying and thinking of me during this race
If I could just run for charity the rest of my life I would
I dont know where I am going with this passion of mine but I know I am on my way
My dreams, goals and passions that I have are being fulfilled
 The best part is I know God has only just begun

I have realized this past year the power of a dream
Let go and just dream

We actually live today, in our dream of yesterday, and in living those dreams we dream again

God places those dreams on your heart for a reason
Listen to what God is whispering to you
I encourage you to block off some time to dream
Set some goals, get after what you can, and dont be afraid to dream
If you dont ever dream it, it can never happen!

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us."
Ephesians 3:20  

My daily reminder

“The Future Belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”

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