Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What I am Lovin' Wednesday

Today was a pretty exhausting day
Rushing from meetings and bombarded with details about this week
I was drained of my strength


Just when I thought this day was a bust and I was going to give myself a pity party
I was able to get away after work for a bit to workout with a friend I have not seen in awhile
We met at Queen Anne track and had a great workout but more importantly a great conversation
You know that feeling when you leave from a visit with a friend and you are just encouraged and filled up? It is no wonder we are called to be in fellowship with believers

He provided the right time for my friend to meet me to workout
He provided the sunshine an crisp, fall air
He provided fellowship and great conversation 
Our dreams He has placed on our hearts 
He provided everything I needed today

For the first time in a long time I am at peace 

About work
My life
Where God is taking me and molding me
I see it daily in the small things
For once I see Gods hand on my life
Everyday I wake up with expectation that He will show up
Take my hand to lead
Take my anxiety and stress away
Give me the strength when I feel weak
Give me wisdom when I am without words

And guess what?
He provides 

Other things I am loving this week!

Makes my heart happy
There are a million reasons why I love AdvoCare but receiving a texts like these is an amazing feeling!

As you know September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
To be the change you want to see in the world, you don't have to be strong. 
You don't have to be to wealthy. You don't have to be influential. 
You just have to be COMMITTED.

I am committed to bringing faith, hope and love to children all around the world
#bigdreams #yesiboughtthesweatshirt

"Wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope, I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning."
Psalm 130:5-6 

Lastly, I am loving my parents!
They have been dreaming about traveling together for awhile and they finally left today for Ireland!
It is bittersweet for my siblings and myself because as much as we are so happy for them, it is going to be so hard not being able to talk to them for 10 days! 
Yes, I am extremely blessed and talk to my parents almost daily
I am just so excited for them and praying for safe and exciting travels 

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Saturday, September 21, 2013

I Want More of You God

Just a quick thought this Saturday night


I believe I wasn't truly living until I knew WHY 
We were not placed on this earth to just take up space
All of us were created to glorify the Lord 
Everything we do should humbly reflect Christ

Is it easy? No
Is it always obvious? No
 Does He always show you direction? No

But, I believe if you truly want to live life
Then live for Jesus
The one who created the universe
The entire universe 

Once I decided that was why I was created my whole perspective changed
I looked at my circumstances in a different, more humble, light
I saw dreams forming in ways I never thought possible
It is amazing what He can do when you open your heart to Him

I dare you to DEFY the odds. 
Step up & be the one that others can look to. 
Don't follow the crowd, lead a pack of life changers.

"There's no place I'd rather be

Than here in your love,

Set a fire down in my soul

That I can't contain and I can't control

I want more of You God, I want more of You God.

Love of God overflow

Permeate all my soul"

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Monday, September 16, 2013

Fall is Here!

A dark, damp morning, hot Spark and the smell of cider candle
First morning that actually felt like fall

There is something about the season of fall that cant be beat in Seattle
The smell of pumpkin spice and apple cider candles
The beautiful colors of the changing leaves
The sound of the falling rain
Oh, and footbball!
Lots and lots of football

Sept. 15th Seahaws vs. 49er's
The game was delayed an hour because of lightening
 but that didnt stop them from destroying the 49ers:)

There is something about fall that is soothing
Maybe it is getting back into routine after the long, chaotic days of summer
Maybe the sound of hearing rain come down outside your window
Maybe the smell of a pumpkin spice candle burning
Or finding your new favorite fall TV show
How is the fall season soothing to you?

We started the season off with an athlete BBQ
Creating new friendships through fellowship and food!

 You know what else I find exciting about fall?
The new season of Seattle Pacific Athletics
New athletes
New coaches
New opportunity to achieve their dreams of becoming the best in their sport
National Champions

I love my job for many reasons, but one of my favorites are the relationships with the athletes
I love seeing them develop into better athletes and better people for their community

This upcoming season represents more than a new schedule of games to be played
It is a new season to deepen and develop their character, integrity and humility through the ups and downs, through the loses, wins and ties
Through their relationships with other athletes, their teammates and coaches
The opportunity to stretch themselves beyond limits they didnt know possible
Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
To live life beyond their comfort zone

And you know the best part?!
God has given me the privilege to be a part of all that
To be a part of their triumphs and failures
 On and off the playing field

Now, I know that I may not personally touch every young life that walks through SPU
To some I might always just be "that Event Manager" 
But you better believe I am going to strive to make a difference in every one of them

Someone who can be looked at as setting an example in leadership, humility and service to others
Someone who is an example in sharing my faith through my actions and words 
Someone they can look too for guidance
Someone who understands them

Will I fail sometimes?
Will I miss some opportunities?
Will I doubt myself?
Yes I will

But I also know that the Lord has placed me here for a reason
I know the Lord is giving me this platform and this passion to serve Him

Yes, it started raining but that is ok, the athletes decided to play Catch Phrase!

Dear Lord,
I know I am here for a reason
Thank you for giving me this platform to make a difference
Thank you for the opportunity to live a life of significance
Lead me Lord to the ones that need my encouragement, guidance and service
Help me to live my life with your hand always leading me
Direct my words be kind and instructive, and always with love
Continue to bless me here at SPU and expand my territory in ways I never imagined
Place Your hand upon me as I venture out in this new season of athletices and life
In your name I pray.

"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8

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Friday, September 13, 2013

Lots to Celebrate

You know the saying "blessed beyond belief"
Well...I am
Today is my "offical" first day of year 28 for me
I find it humerous when I look back how I thought my life would turn out
By 28, I was going to be married, three children, a house with white picket fence
....and a dog (golden retriever people)  
I had it all figured out
Oh, how that is far from my life right now
However, my life is better than that dream I had when I was 16
I  have a husband, children, or house, NONE of those
But I know what I do have
 Constant Joy for my life and the Lord
Peace that I am exactly where I need to be
Hope, eventually, in His time, I will receive all those things

My birthday might not have been spent going out to dinner with my husband
Or playing with my children and dog outside my house
But you know what, I spent my birthday doing exactly what I LOVE
I spent my birthday watching amazing student-athletes play the game they love
I got to spend my birthday working along side my passionate student workers
Last night was more than just another soccer game 
We spent the evening laughing, catching up, sharing stories
Creating memories of fellowship, mentorship and true friendships
And let me tell you there was also no shortage of LOVE throughout the day
With Facebook, text messages, phone calls, cards and a special lunch
I was one very blessed birthday girl
In addition to my birthday, there are many reasons why I LOVE September
The weather around here can not be beat
Seahawks- enough said there
The Washington State Fair
Fall is in the air
But the greatest reason of all is that September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
This is been another path that I did not see coming but thank the Lord everyday for this passion
I pray that one day a cure will be found
In the meantime, I pray that God will use me in the most unimaginable ways
Help raise awareness to childhood cancer
Help raise funds and financial support
Help bring faith, hope and love to children and families

Jessie Rees Foundation
St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital
These are just two amazing charities doing amazing things that I have a strong passion for
God has given me the opportunity to be more
Everyday He gives me that platform to live a life of significance
I went to bed last night overwelmed by the blessings He has given me the past 28 years
Blessed that He has chosen this path for my life
Hopeful, that the next 28 years will be even more beautiful and thrilling
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Monday, September 9, 2013

Live Out Your Calling

I have always been a dreamer, well maybe more of a hopeless romantic
A year ago I could not have told you what dreams I had
Yes, there those dreams of getting married and having a family
But I never found myself having real specific dreams

However, this past year the Lord has placed dreams on my heart that I never saw coming
It has been one whirlwind of an adventure to fulfill some of those and then to dream some more

This past year I have also felt more doubt then ever before
I fall into Satan's trap of thinking I am not good enough to have dreams
I am too foolish
They are too big
They cant be accomplished
It is just Satan's way of attacking us in our most vulnerable state

Satan knows when we start dreaming, we get dangerous
We gain hope and confidence!
We discover just how powerful we can be when we are filled with the spirit to fulfill those dreams!
Our true calling, our purpose for His kingdom

I would like to share those dreams
Almost all of them are dreams that have come into my heart just this past year
God is doing amazing things in my heart
He is transforming it exactly for Him
For His kingdom
The Lord has placed these dreams on my heart for a reason
He promises to fulfill those desires of our hearts
 Beautiful and exhilarating

I dream to travel to Africa and shine the light and love of Christ on many children
I dream to travel to every major cities Children's Hospital and pass out Joy Jars
I dream to have a platform that allows me to go into hospitals and spread faith hope and love.
I dream to be baptized in the Jordan River with my husband, Beth and kevin
I dream to be debt free in two years
I dream to have a marriage that has a ministry and platform to share the gospel
I dream to travel the world with my husband
I dream to have a family and raise my children to know Christ and be an example of His love
I dream to travel the nation and run races for charity
I dream of helping young women who have walked along the same path as me
I dream of having a marriage that serves others and is a godly example to others
I dream of marrying the man God created for me in front of all my friends and family

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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Adventures of the Heart

You and I were made for a great adventure —That’s no accident.
God made us to long for adventure — His adventure.
God calls all believers to join Him in a rescue mission,
 “to seek and save the lost”
(Luke 19:10) and complete the Great Commission.

One of my amazing students asked me to help at her wedding
They flew me down to San Diego to be the wedding coordinator
I have never been an official coordinator but I have been blessed too be in a lot of weddings to know the logistics of wedding ceremonies, receptions, traditions and decorations

I have always dreamed of being a wedding planner
Maybe not for a career but helping friends or family when I could
I love weddings
Just to be around the giddy bride on her special day
To see the nervousness of the groom
The excitement of the festivities
The cake and flowers...oh the flowers!
Everything about them make me smile
If I could make a living being a professional wedding crasher count me in!

This weekend was one of the most physically, emotionally 
and mentally exhausting weekends of my life
But also the most amazing experiences I have ever done

As I was driving through San Diego Monday morning to meet my friend
The wedding was Sunday and I had most Monday off before I flew out
I pulled up into a random Starbucks in San Diego- my happy place :)

I was thinking of what an amazing experience that whole weekend had been
Thinking about how I never imagined I would be in San Diego to coordinate a wedding
Thinking about the most exhausting weekend I just had, yet I was filled with so much Joy and Rest
Thinking about the adventure of the weekend, the people I have met and the places I went
I pulled out my Jesus Calling devotional to Sept. 2nd

How true it is when we surrender our lives to the Lord
When we believe the Lords His plans are better than ours
When we let Him lead us through this life
He takes us on adventures and journeys we never could imagine 

God has opened my heart to seek Adventure with Him
I wake up with expectation that God will provide that longing in my heart
And He has so far
Through people I have met
The places I have gone
The opportunities and doors that have been opened 

He has shown me through, big and small blessings, that providing adventure is His who He is
Contrary to popular belief, we do not have a boring God you guys!
Adventure is what awaits us when we allow God to move within us
To let go and let Him lead

I have no doubt God is preparing many more adventures for me
Ones that seems crazy even thinking about 
But we have a big God 
And I believe He will provide those desires of our hearts
The adventures of our hearts, even ones we never knew we had

To some this weekend might have been just an exhausting trip to San Diego for a wedding 
But to me...oh, what an amazing adventure 

When you depend on Me continually your whole perspective changes. You see miracles happening all around, while others see only natural occurrences and "coincidences." You begin each day with joyful expectation, watching to see what I will do. you accept weakness as a gift from Me, knowing that your plans tentative, knowing that My plans are far superior. You consciously live, more and have your being in Me, desiring that I live in you. I in you, and yo in Me.

This is the intimate adventure I offer you. 


Time spent with your best friend is never wasted
We both drove over an hour each each to meet for lunch
True friends!

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