Monday, January 27, 2014

Motivation Monday

Bold prayers honor God and God honors bold prayers
He is not offended by your biggest dreams or boldest prayers,
He is offended by anything less
If your prayers are not impossible to you, they are insulting to God
Because they don't require divine intervention.

- The Circle Maker
(HIGHLY recommend this book!)

What would you dream if you knew you could not fail?

Dream big and pray boldly my friend! 
Happy Monday! 

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Where Is Your Power Source?

This past weekend I was asked this question in a couple different forms
Let me explain

I was at an AdvoCare Success School down in Portland
There are so many reasons why I LOVE this company
The world class products literally transform people's lives from the inside out
The business opportunity allows ordinary people to live an extraordinary lives
This company goes above and beyond to give their distributors the best leadership training
Not only on the products but how to be a leader with your family, friends and community

Leadership is one of the most fulfilling jobs but it can also be quite draining
People can be difficult 
Business may be slow
You lack direction in your business 
We may be quick to give up

So, what do we do in the world of AdvoCare?
We plug into our "source of power"
We have a chat with our leader
We listen to a team phone call
We attend an event

We get filled up with encouragement, inspiration and wisdom 
Then we head back on our way and continue to lead
It is easy how refilled I get just by calling my leader
Its like an instant shot of power! 

But where do we go when we get drained in life?

When we feel lost?
When our future seems so foggy we can take another step?
When anxiety and worry take over our hearts and minds?
Where do we plug in to give us our shot of power?

This past weekend I drove to Portland and back, flew to LA and back all with in 48 hours
To say I was exhausted was an understatement 
I was quickly reminded that my power definitely doesn't come from myself

This past weekend was an amazing weekend 
AdvoCare training, seeing my best friend get engaged and watching the Seahawks game 
Yet, I was exhausted, feeling no energy, feeling sorry for myself 
Something was just "off"
I had literally no energy, no power left
 I tried everything from a couple too many cups of Spark to thinking I could take a nap during the Seahawks game- MISTAKE!

I finally got home Monday and asked myself what was going on
Why do I feel so "off"?
Where do I usually find my strength?

 I find my strength in sleep, eating healthy, exercise and SPARK!
That gives me my physical energy
But what about when I mentally cant go on?
I find my strength in Him
From prayer
Daily devotions
Communicating daily with the Lord
Encouraging others
Prayer is so powerful you guys!
Yup, I didnt do any of those things this past weekend
I opened my mind to receive information on leadership training
But didnt fill my mind with the Word 
I opened my heart to feel emotion for my friend
But didnt ask God to fill it with His love 
I filled my mind with thoughts of jealousy and bitterness
Instead of asking the Lord to take those away I decided to dwell in my own thoughts
I was using my own strength to try and power myself

Think of trying to turn on your hair dryer without plugging it in
How would that work for you?
Not very good and probably pretty exhausting and frustrating
This was me this past weekend

I realized I only work well when I am plugged into The Mighty Power
Plugged into the Power Source who promises to protect and provide
The Power Source that speaks with wisdom and knowledge 
The Power Source that ignites purpose, hope and passion
He gives me energy

Plugging in for me includes finding time for morning and nightly prayers
Morning devotions
Staying in communication with the Lord
Asking Him to fill my heart with His power
Purposeful prayer
Intentional prayer
Reading His Word
Being filled with Him instead of looking for the worlds source of power

Where do you plug-in?
My prayer is you chose Him as your Power Source
I promise He will always give you the energy you need 

Your thoughts become attitudes
You attitudes become your words
 If you will renew your mind it will change your life

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Learning To Trust

2014 will be the year I will walk in His POWER
I know I should trust God
I know I should trust His ultimate plan
I should trust the plan, this journey I am on
I know this intellectually

But actually living out that trust...
How DO I live out trusting Him?
I am learning constantly
We live in a world that is rigged to distract us
Every day there will be circumstances that do not go our way
There will be trials and temptations
I am weak
I stumble
I doubt
I cry out in frustration
And you know what He says...that is ok
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest.
Matt. 11:28
So I will
In my weakness and self doubt
I will fully surrender to Him
I will come to Him
Fully commit my heart and life TRUST Him
Because it doesnt even matter if I stumble
or when I get lost sometimes
or doubt where I am going
or when I think I know the better route
Because His plan will ultimately previal
Many are the plans in a person’s heart,
but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.
Proverbs 19:21
So why fight Him?
Just let Go Jessie and Let God lead your life
Just like a game of basketball, the fundmentals are what get you through to victory
Ok, kinda very cheesy but so true! :)
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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Your Beautiful Purpose

Precious Lord,

I am ready to follow where You lead! 
I want to live out the beautiful purpose You ordained for me before I was even born. 
Help me remember that an un- appointed work is an unanointed work. 
Give me the passion to do only that which You have given me grace to accomplish. 
By faith I repent of and reject selfish ambition, envy, pride, insecurity and self absorption. 
Instead I embrace Holy Confidence and Humble Dependence, Kingdom Passion and Calvary Love. Fill me up to overflowing so that my life becomes a wellspring of life to everyone I meet. 
Pour out Your Spirit on me in increasing measures so I will last long and finish strong. 
I am ready to do exceedingly above and beyond all that my mind can conceive, according to Your work in and through me. I am all in Lord! 
Lead me on and glorify Your name in me. 


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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Just Jesus in 2014


Yes – Just that One Word: Jesus.
Just –
No Additives.
Pure Grace.

All you need.
When I long for nothing else, desire nothing else, hope for nothing else, but Jesus
— I have everything I ever hoped for.
For everyone, the call is to be Jesus. And to respond to Jesus in everyone.
All there is to mirror Jesus. Mirror to everyone the face of Jesus
… And see everyone as mirroring the face of Jesus.
“Whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus…” Col. 3:17
“Whatever you do, work willingly, as though you were working for the Lord Jesus…” Col. 3:24
Whatever you do, do it as Jesus.
Whatever you do, do it as to Jesus.
The New Year just got ultra-simplified:
Do everything as Jesus.
Do everything to Jesus.
- Ann Voskamp
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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

In Perfect Weakness

A new year
A new start
A new chapter
Full of possibilities and endless horizons
I can honestly say that I have never been more excited for a new year
I know the Lord has place dreams and goals I see coming into fruition this year 
I will share more on those later! 

In any case, a new year means new years resolutions
I always like the "idea" of them but never have really made them
Probably because I was scared I would fail and my weakness would show
If New Years resolutions are to make us better people, isn't that what God is trying to do everyday?
I don't know about you, but God sure has His way of showing me where I am weak
Almost every single day

As a new year begins
I think I need less goals and resolutions
and more God and His solutions.
- Pastor Judah Smith
The City Church
It is not an easy fight
But remember this...
Jesus is a friend of sinners
His Grace surounds us
EVERY single day

"My Grace is sufficient for you, for my Power is made in perfect weakness."Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ' power may rest on me"
2 Corinthians 12:9 

This doesn't mean that we should go around and boast about our weak ways
I mean who ever wants to admit they have any weakness?
Definitely not me!

The world may make us believe that we are weak
The world may say that we need to work harder and make a better attempt
The world may say our resolutions are a way of telling us we failed this past year

But you know what God says?
He says that through our weakness, we are made perfect 
That through our weakness, He will shine
Through our weakness, He will use us 

Yes, it is always good to have a self check on areas we need to work on
Yes, we are called to set goals and set a plan to reach them 
There is nothing wrong with reminding ourselves to love more
To read more
To forgive more
To travel more
To workout more
To take bigger risks

However, come mid-january and you realized you skipped your morning workout, slipped up and swore...again... or ate a cheeseburger

Remember you are not weak...
...YOU never fail in the eyes of the Lord 

"When we have done a face plant in the dirt because of our own selfishness or personl weakness, 
He picks us up off the ground, dust us off, and wraps His arms around us. 
He strengthens and sanctifies us as we go. 
He loves us more than He hates our sins. 
He will not forsake us on this journey."

- Susie Larson Your Beautiful Purpose 

May 2014 be full of faith, strength, boldness and adventure
May we never lose the wonder of our Lord and what He is doing in our lives 

"O' Lord, you are my God, I will exalt you and praise Your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, 
things planned long ago."
Isaiah 25:3

Lord, I thank you for showing me where I am weak, not just for the new year but daily. 
 I am more thankful that you use my weaknesses for Your glory and that I am made perfect.
 I am stronger because of them. 
I know your light shines through me when my weakness are exposed. 
Thank you for showing me that I do not need to be perfect and that I will fail according to the worlds standards but with you I will not fail. 
Thank you for the many blessings that are coming my way in 2014 and thank you for having them already planned. 
In Jesus' name. Amen


Lisa and I 
I rang in the New Year with some of the best friends a gal could have
My friend Lisa and her boyfriend Rob were up from Cali for the holidays
Our friend Sarah and Chris came to dinner with us as well
Sarah, Lisa and I all went to high school together
And you know how girls can get when they haven't seen each other for awhile!
We started the evening at a reasonable expensive dinner
Funny story, we always go to this place for Happy Hour so you could say we were shocked at the actual dinner prices!
However, we got a good laugh out of it as we shared and reminisced over our Europe trip in 2008 and dreamed about many more to come! 

Our friend Lacy, also high school friend, came after dinner
Lacy, Sarah and I
We then went to a local park watch the fireworks from the Space Needle
A Seattle landmark
The park was crowded 
An unpleasant smell was everywhere 
( I am sure you can guess what it was being in WA State) 
We could not even see the needle because of the crowd or fog 
Not the romantic park, firework fantasy I was thinking
But, when the clock struck midnight on Jan. 1st, 2014 
None of that mattered
We were together
Ringing in the new year hopeful that truly the best is yet to come!

We had photo overload- you know how girls get! :)

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