Thursday, March 5, 2015


Just write! I keep telling myself this 
As I sit here at a local Starbucks (surprise!) I want to write but nothing seems to come to mind
When you are a wanna-be blogger, you feel you need to have some amazing blog post all the time
but I just want to write
I go back and forth from writing in my book and my blog
Yes, I want to write a book
I don't know if it will ever get published but I have been told I need to write anyway
I know God has placed a message on my heart I desire to share one day

But as I sit here, listening to OCEANS, watching the sunset, I cant help but feel overwhelmed
Overwhelmed for the life God has given me
It is not perfect, but it is mine
It is not always fun, but it is mine
It is not always easy, but it is mine
It is not always comfortable, but it is mine

This path the Lord has given me
Sometimes it can feel lonely, like I am the only one who is on this path 
But then I remember that I AM THE ONLY ONE
He leads us all along our unique paths
Designed just for us
Others might not understand or care
But they don't live our life and we don't live theirs

He may give us a big dreams, purpose and vision 
But the thing is, He only reveals His plans to us day by day, moment by moment
Never giving us more than we need or can handle
And then when the timing is right, He will help us understand what He was doing all along
Step by step
Day by day
Year by year 

I am living a life that is not perfect, but it is mine 
And it is going perfectly the way He wants it 

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