Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Never Forget

It was 11 years ago but seems like yesterday when the world came crashing down on American soil. I remember exactly what I was doing the morning of the attack. It was in the 6:00 hour and I was getting ready for school my sophomore year. My mom was downstairs watching the news as she was getting ready to leave as well. I heard her yell "Rob! Rob! Rob! Airplanes flew into the towers in New York." Then I heard something that still gives me chills. She said "They think it is a terrorist attack." Terrorist? I have heard the term but never had it affect me like it did that day. At school all our TV's were on the classes as we watch the devastation in New York. We watch as one tower fell, then two. I remember it was like a dream. Is this really happening? We are United States of America, the most powerful nation in the world. How does this happen? I remember one of my close guy friends mentioned that this would lead to war. War? Again, I hear over and over again but in the history books!

Being on the west coast, I would say that this really didn’t hit me until I started hearing the stories that followed; the airplanes that crashed into the Pennsylvania field and the Pentagon, the hero stories of the firemen who risked their lives for American people. The stories of bravery that our country was founded on. I will never forget the day.


As our country goes into election year, I pray that for one day, this day, that our country will put aside all judgement and differences and stand together as One Nation Under God that will always remember the day that forever changed America.

Let us never forget... Thankful for all the heroes of that day and praying for families still mourning the loss of loved ones.

Dear Heavenly Father, Today is a difficult day. The memories are painful and some of the wounds I fear may never heal. Yet I pray you will help me to go on living for truth, firm in my hope of your salvation. May I live for you, Lord, and by doing so, be an example to my friends and family. I pray, just like Jesus, I may learn obedience through these things that I have suffered. Help me not to question why, yet even if I do, give me courage to continue to trust you. Help me take the comfort and strength you've poured into my life and use it to comfort and strengthen others who need hope.  I pray I might become a better person and help make the world a better place because of this terrible event. Thank you for the heroes that gave so sacrificially on September 11. Help me to remember their courage and learn from them. I want my life to be worthy of you Lord, so make of it what you desire, and use me to fulfill your purposes. May the evil of that day cause me and my family to work harder to do good on this earth and to bring your light into the dark places. Help me to never stop believing in you and living my life for you. Lord, heal all those who were crushed and broken on that day. May they come to experience your presence and know your peace.Amen.

"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD, who has compassion on you." -Isaiah 54:10

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