Thursday, October 18, 2012

Not What I had in Mind..Oh well!

Just one of those days.

I just finished my devotional on Esther this morning. I was so excited to write about all the thoughts and what I learned about her beauty and strength! (which is amazing and incredible!) But I just couldnt do it. The moment I got into work this morning it seemed I couldnt even seem to put together a complete sentence. In my mind I did but I couldnt translate my thoughts into words. UGH.

I am exhasuted.
I am tired.
I am unmotivated.
My body aches.

So, knowing I needed to snap out of this funk, I decided to take a walk around campus.

I am sure glad I did.

Nothing like seeing the beauty of the season to remind me how amazing our Creator truly is.

Seriously! How beautiful is our campus?

I have been at SPU, as a student and now employee, for 8 years and I still am in AWE during the fall.
Now for some random thoughts for this random post...

Tonight is Thursday Night Football!
Seattle Seahawks vs. San Fran.49ers.
Sarah Kilmer is having some friends over to enjoy the game. Nothing like fellowsip, food and football!
This season I have been really into the NFL and the Seahawks. It has been fun watching and rooting for our home team!
I am actually going to the Seahawks game with my aunt Nov. 11th when they play the New York Jets!

This always helps when those dang funks happen :)

I am SO passionate about this charity.
I am thankful for the amazing executive board that God has brought together.
I am thankful for the platform that God gave me to make a difference in these students and the children.
I am thankful for the leadership of my two executive directors.
I am thankful for the St. Jude reps and the relationships we are creating.
I am thankful to have this opportunity to follow my passion with making a difference in childrens lives.
I am thankful for God "expanding my territory".

I am thankful for Gods promise.
When the road before you looks rocky, you can trust Him to get you through the rough patch. His presence enables you to face each day with confidence.

I will have mornings where I am unmotivated. I am tired and have no energy. Those are the moments when I focus on the blocked path before me and go off course.

I need to direct my focus back to Him, the one who is leading me along this life-journey.

"The path of the righteous is level;
you, the Upright One, make the way of the righteous smooth."
Isaiah 26:7

Nothing like being brought back into the presence of the Lord when I am wondering off course throughout the day.

So, though this isnt the blog I had in mind this morning, I think it is exactly the blog I needed to write about. This is exactly why I started this blog. I needed a place to go to write out my feelings and not feel pressured to write a sermon everytime.

It was just one of those mornings...Sorry Esther, to be continued...:)


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I would love to hear how you are enjoying your journey!