The Lord has been working in amazing ways in my life lately
Ways in which I find myself with my mouth open in AWE (a lot!) of how He works
I went home again for the weekend and actually took Monday off to get some errands done around Enumclaw, it was also a much needed mental break from the weekend events
Anyway, my sister and I continue to have amazing conversations
We continue to talk and dream about how the Lord is working in our lives and the excitement of those desires
God has continued to show my sister and I that out lives will forever be changed and His greater plans are being prepared
However, we BOTH admitted to being impatient- anxiety ridden because we don't know what the future holds
We know without a doubt where God is calling us but don't know exactly where to take the next step
We have such a desire and getting so excited, longing to do His glory we wonder why it is not happening NOW
We forget His timing is perfect
We forget He is in control every step of the way
He is preparing us each moment, each day for His greater plan
"I think God passes by me a lot, and it serves to show me the direction He is going. We don't always know where He is headed or what to expect along the way, but I think direction is the point, the part, and whole of it. He wants followers, not just onlookers or people taking notes. Plus, I think God knows that if I found out more than just the direction He was going, I would probably try to beat Him there. "
- Bob Goff
This was the topic for the majority of my sister and my conversations this weekend
God continued to show Himself, even from across the world
My sister and I ironically both had a rough week last week
My sister said she received an email from Diahn- the woman who used to live in their house and now lives in Korea teaching with her husband
Diahn's emailed said that the Holy Spirit has placed my sister on her heart and is praying for her
This was just what my sister needed
Amazing how God works, huh?!
My sister in turn emailed her back and said she had a tough week and this was just the emailed she needed
Diahn responded to my sister again yesterday when I was out with my sister for lunch
I know without a doubt God was using Diahn to show my sister and I just how mighty He is
That even from across the world He provides reassurance that He hears us
He IS guiding us and looking after us even when we dont know where to go
But most if all this email reminded me that
I don't need to know everything if I am with someone I trust
I trust my Lord and Savior with all my heart, soul and mind
It is now time to start living out that faith!
Our Lord is so amazing, for sure! Hallelujah! Thank you, Lord, for reminding us to pray for friends.
Beth, I've been there. I think it's why the Lord keeps directing me to women of God that put way too much pressure on themselves (oh man, I could be way off here...but, I'm just gonna brain-dump haha)
Side note...I didn't want to go to this event at church last Saturday, but the Lord wanted me to. Long story short, our pastor's wife was acting distant...not socializing much...and she ended up calling me into an office and literally melted in my arms (I barely know friendship) with very overwhelming feelings of pressure and that she just has so much on her plate. Because of my past I have such a desire to help women not go down that path so I was able to pray with her, help her sort out some thoughts, and take some unnecessary burdens off her shoulders. I knew I wanted to get to know her better...the Lord gave me that desire, cool, huh?
I sense you're trying to make sense of all the Lord has been trying to reveal to you. Let me encourage you to not rush enjoy the Holy Spirit taking the time with you. To literally say out loud, "thank you, thank you, thank you." and maybe not be too quick to try and figure it all out. Remember this is a process and sometimes it's not the plan to reveal something right away even though you know it's coming.
"So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There’s far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can’t see now will last forever." 2 Cor. 4:16-18 The Message
In faith you can claim victory and gratefulness for what He is revealing to you. In faith you can thank HIm for it. In faith you can go forward in your day knowing this isn't a rush can ask him to direct your steps moment by moment and he will honor that.
Hope my thoughts aren't too random haha. Please know I care and I hope you can be encouraged as a young wife and momma right this moment. Dear Lord, thank you for Beth and her heart to seek you. Please guide her steps. Please give her a peace that totally comes from you....a peace she can't explain cause it goes against what the world says is peace. Lord, if that means a radical change (according to the world) please show her it's not radical with you...she wants YOU, Lord. Thank you for this peace and wisdom. AMEN.
Love you, sweet sister! Hope I wasn't too far off...if I was, oh well, haha. You're loved!
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