Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Risk, Danger, and Crazy Twists

God takes Jessie on an Adventure….

With all kinds of risk, danger, and crazy twists and turns.

He didn’t promise to remove us from that shadowy valley, only to get us through it
Perhaps this pic represents so many aspects of life
I hope you can see yourself as that thrilled, surprised, little bit scared
but trusting child with little spiritual waterwings on
 - firmly in the hands of the expert

See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.

And just because my nephew couldn't quite possibly get ANY cuter!

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Monday, March 25, 2013

Hopeful Anticipation

I am here!

Talk about taking a long break from writing which isn't usually like me
I love blogging and being able to write my thoughts down
To be able to share and express what is going on through this journey God has me on

To say I have a lot going on is an understatement
The major theme these past two weeks has been TRUST
Trust God
Trust His path
Trust His planned purpose for my life  

But He wants us to do more than just trust Him
We are called to trust with hopeful anticipation

"Surrender yourself to the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.” 
Psalm 37:7

Surrendering your life means:

- Following God’s lead without knowing where he’s sending you

- Waiting for God’s timing without knowing when it will come

- Expecting a miracle without knowing how God will provide

- Trusting God’s purpose without understanding the circumstances

Waiting on Me means directing your attention to Me in hopeful anticipation of what I will do next. It entails trusting Me with every fiber of your being, instead of trying to figure things out yourself. Waiting on Me is the way I designed you to live all day, every day. I created you to stay conscious of Me as you go about your daily duties. I have promised many blessings to those who wait on Me; renewed strength, living above one's circumstances, resurgence of hope, awareness of My continual Presence. Waiting on Me enables you to glorify Me by living in deep dependence on Me ready to do My will. It also helps you to enjoy Me, in My presence is fullness of Joy. 
- Jesus Calling

Notice that it says what HE will do
Not Jessie's next move, but His
I am need to hand over every part of my life
Not just my social life, or my work life but ALL areas
Big or small, God wants MY every detail to be entrusted to Him
 I am learning daily what it really means to be "continually conscious of Him"
Continually conscious that He is doing His work in every detail of my life

I am so blessed to live next to such an amazing, peaceful area of Greenlake
Spring is coming in Seattle and boy, does it get beautiful!
I needed to get away for a bit last Sunday so I walked over to the lake
I sat in the bleachers while listening to "All Sons & Daughters" Pandora station
(I highly recommend them for a Pandora station!)

And I just sat there
I soaked up the beauty of the lake
The beauty of worship music
The beauty of knowing my life is in His hands

 I know that life wont always be easy
Life can get ugly, hard and uncomfortable 
But if our God can create something as beautiful and peaceful as the sunset
Then I know He has something even more beautiful planned for His children

Let Go and Let God

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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Gods Love, Joy and Timing

" In Him we were also chosen, having predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will."
Ephesians 1:11

This post is just to just Thank God
Thank Him for knowing me
ALL of me
All my fears, my doubts, and anxieties
And not for just knowing my hearts desires
But providing those to be fulfilled

Just when I forget about a prayer request, He answers it
But in a way I never imagined
His way
His timing

Way back before the holidays my DREAMS were at a all time high
I was dreaming BIG TIME
I was longing to share those with someone
(Probably throwing myself another pity party, which I am rather good at)
But during this time I prayed for someone to share my dreams too
I obviously don't have a husband to share them with
 I prayed for the Lord to bring me a friend who I felt I comfortable enough to just pour out my dreams

Again, God answers in a way better than I could dream of myself
I found that friend to be my sister
Not only could I share those dreams, she had the SAME dreams, longings, and desires

To make a long story short, I also found Advocare late December as well
After awhile of hearing about the company and knowing I wanted to get in shape and start regaining control of my health and fitness, I contacted an Advocare Distributer in Seattle, Stephanie

Flash forward to today 
I am in love with Advocare 
I still have personal fitness goals to reach but I finally feel I am on my way!
Also, I have my family on those products and I love hearing them feel good about themselves!
And, since I love the products so much it has been easy to share Advocare with family and friends which is providing me some extra income as well

Anyway, remember my prayer request a couple paragraphs back?
Of course, the Lord answered with bringing my sister to talk with, but He didnt stop there!
I have also have gotten to know my Advocare mentor, stephanie really well and formed a great friendship through all this
She and some friends of hers have decided to start a bible study and invited me to join!

We had our first get together yesterday
First thing we did was go and share our stories, testimonies
 I am so in awe of the group He formed
I didn't realize how much I crave fellowship with other women believers
I know I will be able to be open, share my dreams and grow in my faith with this group

We are going to be reading The Purpose Driven Life
I am excited to start this journey with these women
To let go and let God take control again
To open up and let my dreams form

The Lord is continuing to show me He is in charge 
He is showing me that in life we are called to overcome the "uncomfortable" and create more!
He is showing me that He answers prayer in His time and His plan
Which is ALWAYS better than I ever dream or imagine

Speaking of never imagine, this is my "coffee bar" 
Yup, morning coffee is now replaced by Advocare Spark drink and nightly Oasis tea
Again, only God could work this miracle

Dont get me wrong, I still love a good Starbucks double tall, extra hot, sugar free vanilla, soy latte every now and then!
I do still live in Seattle!

Spring is coming! 
I just love the flower blossoms and how light it still is outside at 7:00pm!

Countdown is on!

Not only do I get to go to Nashville
I get to hangout with my best friend, her husband and my Godson Everett!

God continues to bring JOY and bless me more then I could ever imagine

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Made for Great Adventure

His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms."
Ephesians 3:10

You and I were made for a great adventure — it’s why we like movies.
Movies have a story to them, an adventure to follow through.
It’s also why we like shows like “Star Trek.”
We want to “boldly go where no man has gone before.”
That’s no accident. God made us to long for adventure — his adventure.
God calls all believers to join him in a rescue mission, “to seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10) and complete the Great Commission.
Not only has God created us for this mission; he also wants us to go on the adventure together.
God’s agent for completing his mission is the Church. Churches start churches. The Bible says, “[God’s] intent was that through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known …” (Ephesians 3:10).
God has chosen the Church — not governments or businesses — to be his agent to complete the mission.
These are great days to be alive. We’re living in a generation when the Great Commission can be completed in our lifetime.
When Jesus gave the Great Commission, it was physically impossible for his disciples to complete.
 In those days, when Jesus said to go into all the earth, there were only two ways to go anywhere: on foot or a donkey.
Today we have dozens of kinds of transportation. We also have the Internet. You can talk to someone in a faraway tribe and still be sitting in your pajamas at home. It’s never been more possible to see the Great Commission completed.
Of all the people in the world, you’re reading this devotional. Why? God wants to use you. Think you’re too ordinary? You are the one God wants to use.
Every church in the world has been started by average, everyday people like you and me.
Our generation can complete what God started 2,000 years ago when he gave the Great Commission.
Being a part of that would be the greatest privilege of our lives.

We were made for adventure
We were made for His adventure
and to know that He created us for adventure makes my heart leap
Something inside my soul gets excited and full of joy
I dont know what adventure He has called me on
but I know I want to be a part of His great commission
I want to help spread His word, His glory
His love, His goodness, His grace across His world to His children
we are called
we are His chosen agents

More than ever I have the desire to say YES
yes I will follow
yes I will let go
yes I will trust you
yes I will GO
I took these pictures at my parents house this morning
I can get lost in a beautiful sunrise
I start to daydream about the future
what He has in store for me

I have been told if you make a wish at this time it will come true
oh the dreamer in me
Just like it says in Timothy, God didnt make us to be timid or fearful but a spirit of power, love and sefl-control
So 11:11 instead of making a wish I prayed for my dreams
I prayed boldy- not feafully or timid
I prayed for the Lord to open up my His life of adventure
I prayed for my dreams, my desires and my longings
I dont know what my future holds, but I know who holds it
and that, my friend, brings much joy these days

Adventure awaits...

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Friday, March 1, 2013

A Dream Fulfilled

Do you remember this post
My visit to St. Jude Research Hospital way back in July
The dream that started way April about completing the "St. Jude Up til Dawn" fundraiser has now been fulfilled

The event that took many hours of planning, organizing, sacrificing sleep was completed

The doubt and fear that sometimes crept up throughout this process was striped away tonight

I am exhausted and emotionally drained then I have ever been
 I have no doubt that I want to dedicate my life bring children 
...a Future
"No child should die at the dawn of their life"

My life is going exactly where it should
That God is placing exactly the people, the dreams, that HE wants for me

Forever in awe of our Savior and His blessings

My amazing Executive Board who has amazed me and blessed me through this whole process!
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