Monday, July 30, 2012

St. Jude Children's' Research Hospital

Have you ever experienced something that is so beyond amazing you cant really explain it? That is how I feel right now as I am going to attempt to talk about my trip to Memphis. Who knew that as I hopped on a red-eye flight last Wednesday to Memphis Tennessee that my perspective on life would drastically change and St. Jude would forever be my passion. 

I just got back last night from one of the most amazing experiences of my life. To give a little background, St. Jude’s Up ‘til Dawn is a collegiate event/fundraiser held around the country by many universities. Every year in July St. Jude’s hold a conference in Memphis for the first time schools to attend to learn more about the fundraiser, gain ideas, and meet with other advisors/students. 
Life-changing. Amazing. Inspiring. Humbling. These are only a few words that can describe this weekend. One student on our executive board and I were able to tour the St. Jude hospital, meet new and past patients and see for ourselves the amazing work that is going on in the hospital- The work of saving the lives of many children.
I came away feeling very encouraged and optimistic about the event and overloaded with possibilities, ideas and information!
I am more excited than ever to share this journey of putting on this event with my executive board. I believe that God placed each one of them on this committee for a reason and I am excited to see the amazing things we can do together next year for Seattle Pacific and the children of St. Jude.  

I truly believe that God has placed this passion for St. Jude on my heart. He has expanded my territory, and opened by doors for me to honor Him by serving and loving others. I don't know exactly where I am going or where this passion will lead me but I do know that this is a great place to start! So, here I go leaping into unknown territory in attempt to be fearless as I follow the passion He has given me.

 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 

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