Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Jamil and Jenzie Journals

I met my friend Jamil last year at the marketing convention, NACMA, in Dallas
Our friendship continued to grow rapidly throughout the year
He is one of my most encouraging, supportive friends I have
He pushes me in my faith and inspires me to chase my dreams
We have our own blog called "Jamil and Jenzie Journals"- Long story on Jenzie :)
We use the blog to write our thoughts, inspirations and anything that encourages us
We both feel God has placed us on one wild adventure and we wanted to share it with eachother
We share our dreams
Our goals
Our passions
Our love for Christ
Back and forth
We share our hearts
I decided today to share one of my most vulnerable post I wrote to Jamil last Saturday...

Hi Jamil!

I just got back from working a spring soccer game. However, I say "spring" loosely because the weather proved otherwise. It was sunny, then downpour, hail, sunny and now back to raining. I am sitting on my couch in Seattle, just had a nice dinner, wrapped up in a blanket with my favorite sweatshirt on, and the Mariners game is on in the background. One would say I have all the necessities in life to live. But am I really living? Am I really living the life God has intended me to live? Yes, I can survive but I just don't want to survive in this life. I want to really live, live for God and the passion He has placed on my heart.

My dreams and desires have been at an all time high this past week and I just don't know why. I went to a fundraiser breakfast the other morning for the Seattle Matt Talbot center. What a wonderful organization. It gives the homeless a second chance at life. A Christian based foundation that is doing amazing things in Seattle. After the breakfast I was full of gratitude for the employees and sponsors for this organization. I am thankful that God gave us all different hearts to serve different brokenness of this world.

But you know what I kept thinking about?
You know what my heart longs for?
You know what my heart is on fire for?
I want to serve, help, give hope to children and their families
ALL over the world

Physically, my heart aches
Mentally, my mind is elsewhere
Emotionally, I am longing. Longing for more

Jamil, I have never been so sure of something in my life. I sit here on my couch and my heart continues to ache as I write this because I believe that my life passion is to serve, cherish and work with children, locally, nationally, and even internationally. I have no doubt God has placed this on my heart for a reason. I know God is preparing me for something greater than I have ever imagined, and much greater than myself.

Yet, my heart still aches. I don't know where or what that entails for me, but those desires have only grown. I think my running for charities is only the stepping stone to what God has planned. Which is very exciting, almost exhilarating knowing I could spend my life doing what I love. (sigh)

This was a very spur of the moment blog. No pre planning, just something on my heart at the moment. I am so thankful for you and this opportunity to write my feelings to you. God has placed me on an amazing, extraordinary journey...both of us:)

Hope you are having a great weekend!
Love you!


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I would love to hear how you are enjoying your journey!