Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Magic of Fall- Day 8 & 9

Oops missed a day!

Day 8 
A Gift Sweet, Salty, Sipped

Sweet- My sweet, sweet face of my baby nephew! Well, he is not much of a baby anymore he is 13 months. He is seriously the most precious boy I know. I am beyond excited for #2 to come in April. 

Salty- This might be weird, but my sweat! I love nothing more than to get a good sweat from a hard workout. Right now I am training for a half marathon so I have been running long runs and sweating a lot!

Sipped- Fresh, clean water. Every single day. To drink, to shower, to wash my drink. 
We are so BLESSED. 

Day 9 
3 Gifts Harvest 

1- The smell of Bath and Body Works Pumpkin Spice candle- If you know me, you know I LOVE candles. I have this weird habit of lighting them the first thing I do when I wake up or get home. Cant help it. The right smell can be such a mood changer! Candles create coziness and feeling of home.

2- My relationships with student-athletes only seem to grow. The joys that I get from watching them play, encouraging them in their sport, supporting them in life decisions is amazing.

3- The magic of fall 

This fall has been more captivating than most
Nothing really particular that set sit apart from Falls in the past
But somehow, my heart is more sensitive to its beauty
How the sun's light seems to touch the trees in a more magical way
How incredibly graceful a single leaf floats when falling before me
My heart is touched by it all...and it makes me happy

This ever-changing, beautiful, magical world we live in

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