I am so glad I started blogging
There is something so special about journaling
How God is working in, around and through me and my life
This July would be 2 years since I wrote my first blog
I started because I knew God was up to something in my life
I didnt want to forget those moments I felt God leading me
I decided to look back and see what I wrote one year ago today
The funny thing is, what I wrote one year ago is exactly what I needed to hear TODAY
You see, I was right
He is up to something
I may not know exactly what He is up too
but I know its different and better than I would have planned
I look back and see how God used me one year ago to empower me TODAY
one year later
I am still learning to trust Him daily
One day at a time
Still holding onto hopeful anticipation
But I feel Him moving more than ever
And I just need to continue to surrender and let Him lead me
Hopeful Anticipation
March 25th, 2013
To say I have a lot going on is an understatement
The major theme these past two weeks has been TRUST
Trust God
Trust His path
Trust His planned purpose for my life
But He wants us to do more than just trust Him
We are called to trust with hopeful anticipation
"Surrender yourself to the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.”
Psalm 37:7
Surrendering your life means:
- Following God’s lead without knowing where he’s sending you
- Waiting for God’s timing without knowing when it will come
- Expecting a miracle without knowing how God will provide
- Trusting God’s purpose without understanding the circumstances
Waiting on Me means directing your attention to Me in hopeful anticipation of what I will do next. It entails trusting Me with every fiber of your being, instead of trying to figure things out yourself. Waiting on Me is the way I designed you to live all day, every day. I created you to stay conscious of Me as you go about your daily duties. I have promised many blessings to those who wait on Me; renewed strength, living above one's circumstances, resurgence of hope, awareness of My continual Presence. Waiting on Me enables you to glorify Me by living in deep dependence on Me ready to do My will. It also helps you to enjoy Me, in My presence is fullness of Joy.
- Jesus Calling
Notice that it says what HE will do
Not Jessie's next move, but His
I am need to hand over every part of my life
Not just my social life, or my work life but ALL areas
Big or small, God wants MY every detail to be entrusted to Him
I am learning daily what it really means to be "continually conscious of Him"
Continually conscious that He is doing His work in every detail of my life
I know that life wont always be easy
Life can get ugly, hard and uncomfortable
But if our God can create something as beautiful and peaceful as the sunset
Then I know He has something even more beautiful planned for His children
Let Go and Let God
Ahhh, thank you so much for sharing this verse. It really hits close to home. Beautiful post! I needed to hear this.