Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Family That Plays Together...Stays Together

"But as for me and my household, 
we will serve the LORD."
Joshua 24:15 

Before I left to Arizona we had a small get together with our family
There was nothing I wanted to do more before I left then spend sometime with family
Of course most these pictures are of Jace and Hudson- my most adorable nephews
ok mostly Jace but Hudson was sleeping half the time
What can I say, I am a proud auntie!

Baby Hudson and my brother in law Kevin

Oh hey blue eyes!

Ohhh that red little face gets me every time!

I made this sign last year for my place but I could not take it to Arizona so my mom put it outside by the garden

Selfie with my little buddy 

Cant handle this cuteness!

Gramps and cousin- My grandpa said if he was younger he would come live with me. So sweet!

Jace, Sister Beth, aunte Jan, cousin Rylee

My brother Chris keepin' it simple

sister selfie with Hudson just chillin'
Brother Chris, Jace- yes he is picking his nose, sister Beth, me, brother-in-law Kevin, and baby Hudson

My family is one of my biggest blessings

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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Relearning to Trust

It has been over a week I have called Arizona my home
One week since I moved out of my place of comfort
One week since I said goodbye to my family
One week since we drove 22 hours to my new home

"See, I am doing a new thing! 
Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? 
I am making a way in the desert..."
Isaiah 43:19  

The past couple days I have experienced weather I have never seen
Lightening storms that take up the whole sky 
Thunder that shakes the house
Sandstorms that blow over an entire city
I sit outside in 100 degree weather and I don't want to rush inside
I want to feel the heat
I want to hear the gentle winds blowing and see clouds darkening
A storm must be coming in
Surprisingly, I feel at home

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go, 
I will counsel you and watch over you.
Psalm 33:8

Why am I so "surprised" that I feel at home?
I knew this move was coming
I knew it was coming a year ago, I just didn't know where
The Lord prepared me for this change
He took the year to teach me, mold me, transform me and my heart for this

He has provided a heart that is at peace regardless of not having a job
He has provided a heart that is calm regardless of not knowing where I will live
He has provided a heart that finds beauty in the heat, the desert and hills
He has provided a heart that is brave to seek out new friends
He has provided a confidence to attend a new church by myself s 
He has provided

The Lord has provided many doors for me down here
However, the most challenging part right now is relearning to trust Him
See, my life was easy in Seattle
I had my friends close
 I had my family closer
I had a steady job
I knew where I would be living 

Right now, I have none of that 
I have no other choice but to TRUST Him
Trust Him when the future looks unknown
Trust Him to provide... even the smallest details
Trust Him He will keep His promises

My Grace is sufficient for you - 2 Cor. 12:9
God is faithful, He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear-  1 Cor. 10:13
He gives VICTORY- 1 Cor. 10:57 
He works everything for the good for those who love Him- Romans 8:28 
The peace which transcends all understanding- Phil. 4:7 
Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give the desires of your heart- Psalm 37:4 

The Lord has reminded me that my perspective on this new chapter needs to be bigger and broader
I am not down here to create a new comfortable and convenient life
I am here because the Lord has a plan for me here
He has placed dreams and visions in me that seem overwhelming and terrifying
But I will keep moving forward because trusting Him is all I can do 

I will keep moving forward because I know when we go through a storm, being uncomfortable, a change or tough situation, we are met with divine purpose at the end
I am trusting Him that this small act of obedience will open up big doors to my divine purpose

If you are faithful in little things, 
you will be faithful in large ones
Luke 16:10

So, how am I doing?
Really well 
I am finding my own life down here in the desert
I am finding beauty in the heat, desert, mountains and hills
I found a gym I love and already have a few workout pals
I have loved driving and discovering new places around Phoenix
I am meeting up with new connections and friends 
I have found a church I love to worship at and hope to get involved

It only has been a week but feels like more 
I don't know how I will feel in a month or a year
But I do know, when I start to get lonely, I will trust Him
When I start to feel homesick, I will trust Him
When I start to feel lost, I will trust Him

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Friday, July 11, 2014

"See, I am doing a new thing!"

Instead of striving for a predictable, safe lifestyles, 
seek to know Me in greater depth and breadth
I long to make your life a glorious adventure, 
I am always doing something new within My beloved ones
Be on the lookout for all that I have prepared for you
- Jesus Calling 

This post has taken me awhile to write
I got back from Africa over a week ago... jet lag got the best of me
I am now trying to process what is next for me

I started this blog July 2012,  after about 6 months of thinking about it
 I knew the Lord was starting a great story for my life
I knew great adventure was on its way
I wanted to make sure I documented what The Lord was doing in my life
 I wanted to make sure I was "Enjoying the Journey"
Though I didn't move anywhere or go on a grand vacation, I had quite the adventure

The past three years The Lord opened a whole new way of viewing life
I saw life through the lens of the Word and not the world
I started dreaming about a life I never imagined before

I finally realized that our life is a platform to glorify Him
Impact others for His Glory- build His kingdom
Most the time I didnt know what I was doing or getting myself into
The Lord showed His Grace anyway
The Lord blessed me anyway

It is now July 2014, two years since I started blogging
The Lord has turned my life upside down
However, better than I ever imagined

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more 
than all we ask or imagine, 
according to his power that is at work within us,"
Ephesians 3:20 

Throughout the past couple years I knew He was preparing me for a big change
I knew I was going somewhere, I just didn't know where
This year, however, brought the most change

First, the Lord asked me to leave my comfortable job I loved at Seattle Pacific after six years
Are you sure Lord? Ok,  I will 

Then He reminded me that I am going to Ethiopia in June 
Africa? Are you sure? Ok, I would love too.

Jessie, I want you to move to Phoenix
Wait, what?!

Phoenix, Arizona
You mean the city that is hot ALL THE TIME?

Phoenix, Arizona
A city I have NEVER been too?

Phoenix, Arizona
The city that doesn't have the seasons fall or winter?

Phoenix, Arizona
The same Arizona Cardinals in same conference as Seattle Seahawks?

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart 
and lean not on your own understandings, 
but in ALL ways acknowledge Him 
and He will set your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6

 OK, Lord, I will move to Phoenix, Arizona. 

The Lord has made it very clear that this is my next move
The next place along my journey in my life 
I don't know exactly what I am doing when I get there but I am ok with that
Since I made the decision He has already opened doors
He has placed a great excitement and peace within me
I believe He has been preparing my heart for this move for awhile

My life is not going as I planned but exactly how it is supposed too
I know that God has turned my world upside down
I know He has called me out of my place of comfort and into the unknown
I know God is directing me on a new path

I will miss my family
I will miss my two adorable, amazing nephews
I will miss the Seattle rain and especially the fall season
I will miss my boots, big sweaters and scarves
I will miss the comfort of having family within a drive distance
I will miss knowing my way around a city
I will miss my comfort

Walking in Gods Will brings joy & peace
Walking in Gods Will brings bigger blessings & beauty
Walking in Gods Will is a great adventure worth taking

I am moving to Arizona because the fear of staying in my comfort zone is greater than the fear of the unknown

Unknown to me but known to Him

"See, I am doing a new thing! 
Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? 
I am making a way in the desert..."
Isaiah 43:19 


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