Monday, April 14, 2014

Ten Years of Comfort

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, 
I will fear no evil for You are with me, 
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me"
Psalm 23:4

Gas Works Park, Seattle WA

Ten years 
This park has been a place of peace and comfort for me since I was a freshman at SPU
Ten years ago
Whether it was basketball spring training
A friendly walk with a friend
Or a run after work 

This has been the spot, my place of refuge
I know it is exactly 3 miles to and from SPU
I know there is a small hill to climb to get to the top
I knew once I made it up I would see the view
My comfort
When I was at the top every worry faded away
Every battle going on inside me faded away 
I knew I just had to get to the top to see the view

You see, the view never changes
The beauty of the Seattle skyline
The beauty of the sun along lake Union
 Boats on the water, cars cruising along 1-5 
And the famous Space Needle in the background
Never changes, and thats comfortable to me

Ten years 
My comfort I could always count on

Gas Works Park
I remember coming here with a friend my freshman year
A quick run after class
I remember sitting down and looking at the view 
Talking about our future
Where we saw ourselves in one year, five years and beyond
I remember thinking back then..

"This view is amazing. This is comfortable. 
This will be my place of refuge when the world is weighing me down"

I sat there today, ten years later
And I still had that same feeling- This is my comfort place
 This place, this view has never let me down
One thing in life we can always count on is change 
Thankfully, I am not who I was ten years ago
We grow, we change, we transform
Sometimes change makes us uncomfortable
"And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory,
are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory,
which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."
2 Cor. 3:18
I know that I may not always be in Seattle to run to my place
I know that I cant just head there when I need comfort

Where can I find comfort?
"God is our refuge and strength"
Psalm 46:1
No matter what life brings me
No matter where I may end up in my life
My constant source of comfort is in Jesus Christ 
He is my place of refuge and peace

The best part?
I don't have to run 3 miles to find Him
I don't just get Him for 5 minutes while I rest at the top
He is my daily source of comfort 
He is in me, moving within me
Changing me for His glory
And giving me a comfort, no view or place, can provide 

"...Your staff and Your rod, they comfort me"

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