Friday, April 29, 2016

Five on Friday

Happy Friday!

This Sunday is May 1st, which means Memorial Day is this month, which means it 's basically summer. Or if you live in Arizona like me, the heat has already arrived 

With summer coming up (AKA swim suit season), I wanted to share a few tips on how to curb those late night munchies. Because if you are anything like me, my sweet tooth definitely comes out at night!

As a health and wellness coach I get the question a lot, "how far ahead of bedtime should I stop eating?" The answer I have heard over and over again from my own trainer and mentor is three hours

So, how do you curb that sweet tooth or munchies between those three hours?

Here are FIVE of my favorite tips from my favorite trainer, mentor and friend Stephanie Grandits

1) Herbal Tea- This is my go-to! My favorite is passion tea or Oasis. There are lots of different teas out there. Find one that is non caffeinated, one you enjoy and relaxing 

2) Take a hot bath or hot shower- Relax and take your mind off your cravings 

3) Brush or whiten your teeth- When you have a fresh minty taste in your mouth, or white strips, you most likely won't want to eat something. 

4) Take Crave Check SR- This non caffeinated AdvoCare product really helps suppress your appetite. I would even recommend before dinner so you don't overeat. It will last you about six hours. (HINT: it REALLY works! So if you already do not eat much throughout the day be careful. Not eating enough can hinder results) 

5) Drink a protein shake- Having AdvoCare's Muscle Gain is a lot better than having a full AdvoCare meal replacement shake. Muscle Gain is high protein, low carbs and helps repair muscles while you sleep #winning

And..... when all else fails, just go to bed

Seriously, works 100% of the time 

Hope these help! I am off to Palm Springs with my best friend to attend Stage Coach
Country music and Sam Hunt? YES PLEASE

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Oh, and just because I live in a beautiful state, h
ere is a picture I took tonight after my women's volleyball game

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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

There's Grace For That

A moment of surrender four years led me down to Arizona
I left my home in Seattle on a leap of faith
I came with big dreams and big visions

It has almost been two years now down in Arizona
I know I am supposed to be down here
I know God is paving His Will for my life

However, this surrendered life doesn't come without difficulties
God didn't promise that even if you walk in His Will it will always be easy
If we are not careful and mindful to put God first, our comfort will set in
Our selfish desires start to overpower His desires for us

My story of Grace is one of vulnerability
I thought I had it all figured out coming down to Arizona
I thought I was bullet proof to the ways of the world
To the ways of the enemy
Turns out, I am not
And neither are you

We are human beings not meant for this world
We are more broken and fallen just like this world
More than we ever dare to admit
But we are also loved more than we ever dare believe

"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
and are justified by his grace as a gift, 
through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus"
Romans 3:24

So, what is Grace?

When we stumble
There is Grace

When we fall
There is Grace

When we turn away
There is Grace

When we make a wrong decision
There is Grace

When we mess up
There is Grace

Even in the all out cry- face on the floor- hands in the air- surrender moments
There is Grace that wraps you up, holds you and says "I am here"
Grace says "You are loved"
Grace says "You are forgiven"
Grace says "You are seen"
Grace says "You will be OK"

Grace is not something we deserve but something that is freely given to us by The One who loves us 
Grace says, "No matter what you do, nothing can separate you from me and my love"
Grace says, "I understand this world is hard"
Grace says "There is no shame, no judgement, no condemnation" 
Grace says, "No matter what you did to yourself, no matter how you got into this situation, I still forgive you, I still love you"

 No one is too far away where the Grace of God cannot go
No one is in too deep where the Grace of God cannot reach down and rescue

Grace allows us to live freely and boldly, knowing that no matter what happens we are covered in Grace

Continuing my journey in Arizona, that is exactly what I am going to do
I will continue to press into the Lord asking for His Grace daily
Never taking it for granted

I am going to go boldly into this world knowing I will stumble
But knowing the Grace of God will ALWAYS help me back up
I am confident that He will help me & Grace me to do what He has called me to do
And because of that, I will rest in His Amazing Grace

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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Currently in April

                Linking up with Jenna and Anne today for another edition of their "Currently" series.

Currently this April I’m…

MAKING room for more "me time" in my life. Well, trying at least. I am in a season of growth and hustle in all areas of my life, which is exciting, but also exhausting. I am learning the importance to make time for myself. Whether it's to blog, read, journal, quiet time, call my family, I need to make time to rejuvenate and refill so then I can pour more of myself into my true passions. 
WISHLISTING Some new outfits for Arizona. I have lived here almost two years and I still have not found my "Arizona style" I am comfortable with in this heat. 
CLEANING everything! Seriously, I just cleaned my whole room and bathroom tonight. I leave tomorrow for Seattle then my aunt is coming into town and staying with me. 

POSTING I have been posting a lot of quotes from Christine Caine. I love that women. She just came out with a new book called Unashamed that I am reading and loving. If you want to be inspired, then read it. If you want help to discover your purpose, then read it. If you need help getting over guilt and shame, then read it. 
TASTING blended AdvoCare vanilla Muscle Gain, strawberries and spinach. Every single day for the past week and a half for breakfast. They are quick, easy, simple, yummy and a completely balanced meal! Win/win! 
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Monday, April 4, 2016

You Haven't Missed A Thing

"Being confident of this, that He who began a good work 
in you will carry it on to completion, 
until the day of Christ Jesus." 
Phil. 1:6 

Sometimes it is really easy for me to believe that God has forgotten about me
Sometimes in the waiting for dreams and prayers to be answered is hard! 
Can I get an AMEN?

"Hey God, remember me? Remember that prayer I have been praying? Ya, I am still waiting?"

Did I miss something?
Did I make a wrong turn somewhere?
Did did say the wrong thing to someone?
Did I end the right relationship or stay too long?
Where did I go wrong?

Do you ever feel this way?!

"Indeed, the very hairs on your head are all numbered. 
Don't be afraid; you are worth more than sparrows." 
Luke 12:7 

A God who knows every hair on our head
A God who provides everything for the birds

Are we not worth more than sparrows?

Our life is not a surprise to Him
Our actions are not a surprise to Him
Our decisions are not a surprise to Him

So, let's take a deep breath today
God has not forgotten about us
He knows exactly where we are and need to be
He knows our pain and heartbreak
He knows our desires and dreams 
He sees every tear and hears every prayer
He sees every decision and action we make

I was reminded today from one of my most faithful friends, that I have not missed a thing
 Her sweet prayer that still brings tears to my eyes every time I read it
I hope you find peace in it as well

Praying peace over your heart as you meditate on how much your Father God loves you. Things in this world are still very broken and painful, but He has not forgotten you or forsaken you . 
He understands your pain and is there holding you, whispering...

"I have a perfect plan for your future... you can trust Me. 
The best is yet to come. You haven't missed a thing. 
Not one thing my precious girl." 

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