One of my favorite things to do is go to Starbucks and write
I have a new passion for writing down my thoughts and what God is doing in my life
One of my new goals is to write a book- eek!
But as I sit here tonight looking at another amazing sunset,
I cant help but think about where I was a year ago this month
I cant help but think about where I was a year ago this month
One year ago this month is when I decided to move to Arizona
Of course, I didn't tell anyone right away
Maybe it was fear or maybe because if I did that meant I actually had to do it
One year ago when God said "GO"
One year ago God planted a seed of passion in my heart for Arizona
One year ago God gave me a vision for my life I never imagined
One year ago I was longing for a change in my heart
It has been one year since I knew Arizona was my new home
I am complete awe of the way the Lord has transformed, prepared, molded & blessed my new life
I am complete awe of the way the Lord has transformed, prepared, molded & blessed my new life
Dear Jesus,
I don't know why You called me to be in Arizona but I love it here. You knew exactly where I needed to go even when I didn't see it yet. I look back at the years before Arizona and sometimes I forget my life in Seattle. Not in a bad way but when You open one door You close the door on the last chapter, keeping my eyes looking forward towards You. I am grateful for my life in Seattle because it reminds me where I come from and the life You brought me out of. Thank You.
I see now I wasn't living that passion and purposeful life you created me to live. I was just existing through life- You knew it wasn't how I was supposed to live. Back in the fall of 2011 You so gently opened my eyes to the life You had for me. Back then I didn't know what You were up too, but I knew You were moving and I was going somewhere. Thank you.
You were compassionate. You didn't show me everything right away. If I knew You were going to take me away from my comfortable job, my family, to Ethiopia and then down to Arizona all in one year, I would have tried to hide from You. I would have told you "NO". It would have been to much. But instead, You started placing seeds of dreams and passion in my heart I never knew existed. You slowly put confidence and security in my heart to be bold in my faith and at the exact moment when You told me it was time for me to leave, I did with a grateful, excited, prepared and ready heart. Thank You.
You have helped me to see the person I want to become in all aspects of my life; a woman, wife and mother. You opened my eyes to the brokenness of our world and You gave me a heart that breaks for it and wants to serve. Thank You.
You have helped me to see the person I want to become in all aspects of my life; a woman, wife and mother. You opened my eyes to the brokenness of our world and You gave me a heart that breaks for it and wants to serve. Thank You.
Jesus, I know I wasn't the easiest to work with. I argued, I fought, I cried out to You, I tried to bargain with You, and I doubted You but You never stopped pursuing, loving and showing me Grace. Thank You.
Though my dreams started getting bigger, and my longings deeper, You placed contentment in my heart that I was right where I was supposed to be. Then in the middle of a fall friday You told me it was time to move on and you started opening doors and giving me Grace to pursue those dreams. Thank You.
Though my dreams started getting bigger, and my longings deeper, You placed contentment in my heart that I was right where I was supposed to be. Then in the middle of a fall friday You told me it was time to move on and you started opening doors and giving me Grace to pursue those dreams. Thank You.
So, here I am in Arizona. I am in awe of my complete peace about being here. Never in my wildest dreams would I ever think this would be my life. Even in the midst of so much unknown Jesus, You give me peace. Thank you.
Thank you for always giving me not what I wanted, but always what I needed and always better than imagine. Thank You for knowing me better than I know myself. I will continue to ask You to lead me into Your known plan for my life.
Thank you for always giving me not what I wanted, but always what I needed and always better than imagine. Thank You for knowing me better than I know myself. I will continue to ask You to lead me into Your known plan for my life.
Your forever grateful daughter
PS- I cant end this letter without asking about my future husband. I mean where is he?! OK, I know, I know. You are probably just giving me that look because we both know You have been whispering to me all along who he is and Your purpose of us. I know Jesus, I just get impatient :) Thank You for him and his passion, dreams, vision and leadership in our lives. You are good! #bestisyettocome