When I look up the definition of surrender I find words like:
yield, abandon, give up oneself.
Scary words to someone whose nature is control
I need to be control.
My rein for control in life got worse after I graduated college
I was content with where I was in life
I was living in complete control of my own life
I thought I was happy
Except one thing
I was anxious and restless
I questioned God
…A lot
I questioned God why I was not experiencing the same life as my friends
I questioned why He was not showing up in my life the way I wanted
I questioned God why I didn’t have dreams, goals or visions
There has to be more
My heart was divided
I was spinning out of control
I thought I was serving the Lord
But I was only serving myself
Serving the world
If I was in complete control why was I feeling this way?
“No servant can serve two masters,
for either he will hate the one and love the other,
or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.”
Luke 16:13
I am tired, restless and I know my heart is divided
Trying to control of my life has only caused anxiety and confusion
The world tells me to surrender to no one but I know real faith is complete surrender to You
I don’t want to be anxious anymore
I know that You give a peace that transcends all understanding
I know that You give a peace that transcends all understanding
Lord, I give complete and utter control of my life to You
I surrender my heart, my life, my mind and soul to You
I surrender to Your will in my life
I surrender to Your will in my life
I know I may suffer in this world but when we suffer and sacrifice in the name of Christ means our reward will be great in Heaven
I said this prayer almost four years ago
Since then, He has given me more dreams and visions than I ever imagined
I feel and see His forgiveness, Grace and Mercy daily
I have felt more peace than ever before
He has placed me on an adventure that only He could plan
He has placed me on an adventure that only He could plan
Leaving a job of 6 years
Ya....none of that was a part of MY plan
“Until there is total surrender, there is now Vision"
You see, this world is rigged to distract us
We get caught up in our jobs, promotions,
flashy cars, clothes, social media and lust
We are easily confused who we serve
The world will fail us
The people we love will fail us
Even you will fail…every.single.day.
You have a choice
You can serve the world
You can serve yourself
You can attempt to find peace in the materials of this world
You can find distractions to fill the void in your heart
You might be happy for a while because you are in control
But then before you know it, you will get distracted by something else
You can try and keep filling the void with everything except the One it is meant for \
You can chose to surrender to The One who created this world
The One who promises to give you Hope and a future
The One whose love will fill that void greater than any worldly item
The One who will give you a peace that transcends all understating
The One who promises to Strength, Joy, Forgiveness, Freedom and Eternal Life
The One who is standing by waiting for your surrender
I dare you
I dare you to surrender your life to Him and see what happens
Will each day be perfect afterwards?
Absolutely not
In this world of convenience and comfort He didn’t promise it would be easy
But He did promise a life surrendered to Him will be worth it
And it will be the best way
His Way
His Way
“Jessie, I don’t compete. I was waiting and calling you.
I was waiting for you to see, that while you wanted me all of these years, you had another master. Your heart was divided, you loved something else more, and I will not share My Glory.
I had to become your one thing….your only thing.
And so now…you will be hearing from me a little more.”
(Jennie Allen, Anything)
I dare you
I am choosing to put my life in the hands of The One who created it
So far His plans have proven they are way better than my own