Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Hopeful Anticipation

I am so glad I started blogging
There is something so special about journaling
How God is working in, around and through me and my life
This July would be 2 years since I wrote my first blog
I started because I knew God was up to something in my life
I didnt want to forget those moments I felt God leading me
I decided to look back and see what I wrote one year ago today
The funny thing is, what I wrote one year ago is exactly what I needed to hear TODAY

You see, I was right
He is up to something
I may not know exactly what He is up too
but I know its different and better than I would have planned
I look back and see how God used me one year ago to empower me TODAY
one year later
I am still learning to trust Him daily
One day at a time
Still holding onto hopeful anticipation
But I feel Him moving more than ever
And I just need to continue to surrender and let Him lead me


Hopeful Anticipation
March 25th, 2013
To say I have a lot going on is an understatement
The major theme these past two weeks has been TRUST
Trust God
Trust His path
Trust His planned purpose for my life
But He wants us to do more than just trust Him
We are called to trust with hopeful anticipation


"Surrender yourself to the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.”
Psalm 37:7
Surrendering your life means:
- Following God’s lead without knowing where he’s sending you
- Waiting for God’s timing without knowing when it will come
- Expecting a miracle without knowing how God will provide
- Trusting God’s purpose without understanding the circumstances


Waiting on Me means directing your attention to Me in hopeful anticipation of what I will do next. It entails trusting Me with every fiber of your being, instead of trying to figure things out yourself. Waiting on Me is the way I designed you to live all day, every day. I created you to stay conscious of Me as you go about your daily duties. I have promised many blessings to those who wait on Me; renewed strength, living above one's circumstances, resurgence of hope, awareness of My continual Presence. Waiting on Me enables you to glorify Me by living in deep dependence on Me ready to do My will. It also helps you to enjoy Me, in My presence is fullness of Joy.
- Jesus Calling

Notice that it says what HE will do
Not Jessie's next move, but His
I am need to hand over every part of my life
Not just my social life, or my work life but ALL areas
Big or small, God wants MY every detail to be entrusted to Him
I am learning daily what it really means to be "continually conscious of Him"
Continually conscious that He is doing His work in every detail of my life

I know that life wont always be easy
Life can get ugly, hard and uncomfortable
But if our God can create something as beautiful and peaceful as the sunset
Then I know He has something even more beautiful planned for His children

Let Go and Let God
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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Abundant Life

I believe my life should be directed, inspired and lived by the Words and instructions by the Bible 
However, there are some key verses that really inspire me and my life 
This is one of them

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
John 10:10 

Contrary to popular belief, after we dedicate our lives to Christ He doesn't want us just sitting around, twiddling our thumbs, and waiting for heaven
He wants us to LIVE
We are not created to just exist, but truly live
 Live an abundant life
Full life
What does that entail?
Well, it is different for all of us 
But I think following your dreams and passions is a good place to start

Speaking of passions, I think I am starting to like love photography 
I LOVE pictures, words and quotes-anything that gets me inspired
I mean I really love pictures
A picture really is worth a thousand words
I also want to start sharing and documenting more with pictures
My good ol' iPhone is not going to cut it anymore
I am in the search for a good camera 
In meantime I am going to borrow my sister and brother in laws

Here are some pictures from my weekend starting with the obviously the cutest one

Welcome to my parents backyard

My quiet time today

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Phil. 1:3 
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Friday, March 21, 2014

Spring of Hope

It is officially spring time!
I dont know about you but something about spring makes me incredibly giddy
After a long winter in Seattle, trust me when I say we are ready for spring
It is the little bit of sun that peeks through my window
The tulips that start to appear around greenlake
 The fresh smell of flowers and fresh cut grass
The flower blossoms on the end of branches
There is a mind shift that happens to me when spring comes
After a long season of winter, I start to see light
There is beauty
There is something to look forward too
Spring is my symbol of hope
"See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."
Isaiah 43:19


Just like the small changes of spring
I feel a change in my life too
I don't know exactly what that will entail but God keeps showing me,
in nature and in life
that new things are coming for me
Do not be afraid
He has been preparing me
He will provide
I am trusting
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to Him,
and He will make your paths straight."
proverbs 3:5-6

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Friday, March 14, 2014

Five on Friday- My week through Instagram

Happy Friday!

It is one of those weeks where I am yelling from the roof tops my window
Thank Goodness Its Friday!

It is not a surprise that I love Instagram
I also love my morning time devotions
However, I have a little horrible habit of going straight to social media instead of the Word first
I dont know if I am the only one who has this problem
It is so easy to turn off my alarm on my phone and then touch the Instagram app or Facebook app
I mean really Jessie? What could possibly go on in the last 7 hours that you need to know?
Answer- NOTHING is more important 

With that, I have decide during this season of Lent I have given up social media  and to turn straight to the Word first. Some mornings easier to abstain than others but I have found I creating this habit and going to the Word I am filled with more peace for my day

Anyway, that was a side note for this Five on Friday
Here is my week through Instagram 

My worst nightmare is happening at work right now
Monday started off with an empty canister of Spark
I cant go a couple hours without one, so yes 8 hours was horrible
#gotenergy #gotspark 

"Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. 
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us " Hebrews 12:1
He hasnt marked the path the way I planned, but finally finding my stride
#surrender #betterthanimagined #lifeisnotasprint

Still training for my half May 4th down in California
My friend Jamil and Lisa will be running with me
I still cant believe this will be my 4th half
I never thought I would be a runner
Never say never I guess!

The time is now! 
My brother and his roommates are about to start on a journey to healthier and sustainable lifestyle starting with the AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge to give them a kick start! I am looking forward to coaching them to reach their goals but more importantly create a healthy lifestyle
#thetimeisnow #gotenergy #lookfeelandperformbetter
Are you ready for a change?
Do you need more energy?
Want to feel better?
Advocare is not a diet but a lifestyle change
Ask me about the 24 Day Challenge
I would love to coach you too! 

Thursday (but really Friday)
#TBT 2006 on Friday 
My partner in crime for life
Nothing is better than going through life with a sister 

Advocare Oasis and HGTV with the roommate
Ending my night and week with what I love best
A low key night with AdvoCare Oasis tea and HGTV
Actually, I think my roommate is going to start Space Jam
Yes, Space Jam #nojudgement

With that I say goodnight, God Bless and Happy Friday!

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Simple, really

When I get overwhelmed in life,  I sometimes feel I have no time to even process my thoughts
And trust me that happens, ask my friends as they talk to me and I stare blankly at them
When this happens, I know I am neglecting the basic disciplines of my life
Pray, read, meditate
Pray, read, meditate

Praying we'll begin to gain a godly perspective
 Reading and spending time with God causes the pressures of life to dissipate
 Meditation brings peace

Pray, read, meditate
Pray, read, meditate

simple, really
but why do I so easily forget?

My co-worker sent me this devotion today
Thankful for good timing because Lord knows I needed a reminder
#walkinlove  #inspiration
Our time spent with the Lord has a dramatic impact on our daily life.
When we set aside periods to meditate upon His Word and listen to what He's telling us,
we'll start to notice both subtle and dramatic changes taking place.
First, we'll begin to gain a godly perspective.
Certainly the apostle Paul was mindful of this; he actively prayed for himself
and others to have the Lord's outlook
Ephesians 1:16-- to my husband and my babies. My greatest blessings
When we start to see with enlightened eyes, the world—along with its joy and pain—
becomes much clearer as does our understanding of how to deal with circumstances.
Second, spending time with God causes the pressures of life to dissipate.
Jesus warned His disciples that they would face trouble in this world (just as all of us will),
but He assured them that they had no real reason to be afraid.
Why fear a foe that Christ has already conquered
John 16:33
Third, meditation brings peace.
In this troubled world, we frequently find ourselves in need of a tranquil heart,
which can be attained only through Jesus
i need to put this on a wall in my house to remind me everyday that it is a command to not worry or be afraid and stay rooted in God's peace.
Paul tells us that the world is not even capable of understanding God's peace
let alone able to offer us any kind of authentic serenity
While a desire for personal reward should not be our only reason for spending time with the Lord,
there are indeed wonderful blessings in store for those who meditate on His Word.

"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus"
Phi. 4:7
Pray, read, meditate
Simple, really

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Friday, March 7, 2014

Favorite Five on Friday

 Favorite time of day

morning time
Mornings have been not always my favorite
I would want to sleep right through them
Waking up early to read the Word or devotional?
Crazy talk
It was not until I felt something missing in my life
I needed more of Him
Three years ago I committed to waking up early twice a week
2 became 3, then 4...
Now, the mornigs are my absolute favorite time of day
Even on days I can sleep in I make sure I wake up before my day starts
 I look forward to sharing that time with the Lord
And my hot cup of Spark of course :)

Favorite little guy..EVER!

Seriously, this little guy has stolen my heart!
He has shown me a love so deep I never knew was possible
This role as an auntie provides more joy than I ever knew possible
And it keeps getting better...
I get another little man in April!
Auntie life is the best

Favorite Football Player
Jason Witten- TE Dallas Cowboys
 I kept this FCA magazine back in 2012
I always love reading how athletes use their platform for His Glory
To make an impact for His Glory
Fast forward two years
Jason Witten is a sports endorser for Advocare
 I got the honor of listening to him speak
I was in Dallas last week for Advocare leadership
He surpassed all my expectations
I am forever a fan

Favorite memory from last weekend
AdvoCare Leadership Conference

Casino Night fun!

I have made the most amazing friends through my journey with Advocare
These women inspire me daily with their BIG dreams and hardwork
We got to play dress up last weekend for the Presidents Party
 Favorite Friday Verse 

Thank you Jesus!
This verse brings me such joy
We will sin
We will fail
Every. Single. Day
Multiply times a day
But you know what?
We don't have to live in constant fear, guilt or shame
He does not condemn us
We have been redeemed
We have been forgiven
We are LOVED
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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

One Year Ago

One year ago
I had my friend come share AdvoCare with my family
not knowing where this would lead
 One year ago last night
I shared AdvoCare with more belief and passion
With more friends and family
With more conviction the products are life changing
Than I ever imagined

But the friends I am meeting and helping along the way,
the training I am receiving,
dreams becoming bigger

Those are what this journey is all about

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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Continue to Follow

Do you ever find yourself wondering where you are going?
Where God is taking you?
Some days it is easier for me to see His plan for my life
Some days I feel lost and out of control

You see,
The Lord as placed BIG dreams on my heart 
He has placed BIG vision and goals and a platform
I see those dreams
I feel them

But I also have doubts
I have fears
 HOW I am supposed to get there?
WHERE I am supposed to go?

Most days, I feel my dreams are so big I am on this journey alone
If I told anyone just what I dream, they wouldn't understand
I have come to understanding this is ok

Just breathe
Just trust 
Continue to follow Him

Dear Jessie, 
You are on the right path. 
Listen to Me, and less to your doubts. 
I am leading you along the way I designed just for you. 
Therefore, is it a lonely way, humanly speaking. 
But I go before you as well as alongside you, 
so you are never alone. 

Do not expect anyone to understand fully My ways with you anymore than you can comprehend My dealings with others. 
I am revealing to you the path of Life, day by day, and moment by moment. 

As I said to my disciple Peter, so I repeat to you: Follow Me. 

- Jesus Calling

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