Happy Hallloween!
During this season of carving pumpkins, I am reminded to ask myself
"am I carving enough time out for God?"
(Yes, I love my play on words)
I have been reminded lately the importance of carving out that time for Him. In our fast-paced society we rarely get to sit in a quiet place. Televisions (ESPN lately) blare. Computers sound out webcasts, Pandora, Spotify (Chris Tomlin Holiday), itunes crank out music at times when we could be seeking solace.
Our emotional lives are much the same
When we do not allow time to rest and regroup from the stresses of life, we allow cracks in our spirit that make us emotionally and spiritually fragile.
We keep going at rapid speeds, rarely slowing down long enough to be refreshed and live in the Peace that Gods wants for us.
"Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, 'Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.'"
Mark 6:31
This highlights the fact that even Jesus Himself found it important to get away for a while; to slow down and cease activity. He urged His disciples to get to a quiet place.
In doing so they would find rest. Being alone and quiet would help keep them whole.
So, as the hussle and bussle of the holiday season begins (tomorrow!), and as I get busier with work, athletic events, holiday family/friend get togethers, Pinterest project attempts, baking attempts, I am reminded to take the time to sit in a quiet place and seek Gods peace.
Whether it is in the mornings, at work, during lunch, or before bed, I need to carve out that time to fully relax, refresh and slow down.
With that, here is a preview of what I plan on blogging about all next month :)