I love when I read something and just want to scream
"That is exactly how I feel!"
I read that something this morning
Every line I read screamed how I felt
Her words are powerful
Truly touched my soul and how I have been feeling latley
I hope you can find some peace with her words as well

When you start to feel disconnected from God, just tell Him.
"God I feel so far from you, please come near to me"
He will.
I promise.
Press in... part of your assignment is to hold a space where heaven can rule and reign, through and around you.
This takes work.
Its not a work to prove that God loves you, that you've earned His love.
No, that all comes through Jesus. We earn the FULL love of God through Jesus.
But if we want to be the powerful mighty people of God we've been called to be
we must PRESS IN.
It is a battle. It is a war.
Don't be so surprised! Don't be so weary!
Don't be so surprised! Don't be so weary!
Say it, "God I feel so disconnected from you.
I'm sitting here and I need you now!" He will come near to you.
Don't just 'tack Him on' to your day. Set aside time everyday to talk to Him.
Don't just 'tack Him on' to your day. Set aside time everyday to talk to Him.
Really talk to Him. Really have relationship with Him. Read His word....
The religious spirit also reads His word & is not in relationship with Him. That's dangerous! Understanding Bible verses and even knowing the Greek and the Hebrew won't save you or bring you into deep intimacy with the Father. I love the Greek & Hebrew. I LOVE studying God's word. But it is HIM that I want! His presence. Him. His touch. Relationship with Him is what keeps me vibrant. Reading His Word when I am in Him& having relationship with Him REWRITES the Book! HA! It becomes ALIVE, daily! It's what keeps me alive.
Not church membership. Not a prayer meeting. Not a Bible study. I love my local church. I LIVE to pray and intercede. I love studying my Bible. But a deep intimate relationship with the holy Trinity and living IN heaven while I'm ON the earth, this is what I was created for and so were you. THE LOVE OF GOD settles the matter. Seek HIM. Seek His righteousness. Stop trying to be so good and stop trying to earn His affection. RECEIVE His affection. RECEIVE His love.This makes you altogether good AND powerful!
Lean in. Press in, my friends. Take the time. IF you do this... if you pursue relationship with Him above everything else in the entire world
.... your entire world will change.
Your work will be brighter.
Your communication will be better.
Your brain will operate more fully!
You'll dream again!
He is my DNA. He is my all. Nothing has any value to me apart from Him. And with HIM?!?! OH MY GOODNESS.... life is a blast! Through its highs and its lows and its challenges and its victories. Life in a loving deep relationship with Him
.... is worth it all.
Love you! Have a great day today.
Sandi Krakowski
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