Friday, December 27, 2013

The Everyday Gift


I am laying in my bed at my parents 
Christmas tree put away 
Slowly seeing less and less Christmas lights as I drive through Enumclaw 
It is bittersweet as my radio is playing the sweet worship songs that I love
No more Christmas carols 

My heart is truly overwhelmed as I write this 
Overwhelmed with excitement and hope 
My heart yearns to live for Jesus daily 
My heart is truly overflowing with joy and thankfulness for Him 

My mind also wonders from memories of the past two months of the holiday season
Sometimes my heart longs to stay there forever... Christmas season everyday 
The gathering of family and friends 
The beauty of the glitter and lights
The days of no stress from work 
The sounds of Carols everywhere 
The words Joy, hope and love are apart of the everyday conversation 
The excitement of Christmas morning
...The magic of Christmas

So many emotions wrapped into one season 

It truly is a magical season 
A season of memories and nostalgia 
A season of hope and joy
A season of transition and change into the new year

The world will be still tonight
We will long for this wonder to go on
One Christmas candle will flame in the quiet
This cannot fade-none of this can ever fade
God stays with us
The Christmas candle burns hot, gives its Light
And the world lights up, and Christmas goes on forever now
Christ, the always Gift for all our days
- Ann Voskamp 

The gift of Jesus 
The gift of salvation 
The gift of His grace 
The gift of His love 
The gift of His blessings 
The Gift of His Peace 
We receive them of the year 

That means we don't have to buy them or work for them 
We just simply receive 
Receive His gifts today 

As you take down your last bit of christmas decorations
As you begin to reschedule your work and school schedule 
As you begin to write your resolutions and To Do lists.. 

Peace is not ultimately a place
Peace is the ultimate Person

"Listen carefullyto what God the Lord is saying, for He speaks peace to His faithful people" 
Psalm 85:8 NLT 

For the Lord of peace Himself gives us "His peace at ALL times in every situation" 
2 Thessalonians 3:16 NLT

The gift of JESUS
...Remember you don't have to wait until next christmas to receive 

Receive it today and everyday 
The magic of Christmas truly lives in our hearts 

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet, encouraging post to read this lovely Saturday morning! xoxo


I would love to hear how you are enjoying your journey!