My dad is 60 today.
dad is my hero.
My dad has taught me
the importance of living a life of Character and Integrity.
My dad has taught me
the importance of being Hardworking and Passionate in life.
My dad is also the
most Humble man I have ever met. He doesn’t want praise or recognition.
My dad has taught me
the importance of going above and beyond what is expected of yourself.
My dad is Faithful.
He is devoted to my mom, his children and most of all Jesus Christ.
My dad has taught me
the importance of being Honest and Kind. My dad always treats people with respect.
My dad has taught me
the importance Patience. With four children there is always something in
life my dad could be frustrated with, yet he finds a way to lovingly teach us
in those moments and handle those problems with Forgiveness and Grace.
My dad has always
been my encourager, my inspiration to excel at whatever life brings me.
My dad is someone I
can ALWAYS count on. Car troubles, money and life decisions,
he will be there. He is Reliable and Responsible.
My dad is Selfless. He
puts his wife and children above his own needs.
My dad is Loving.
My dad has shown me
what a true man of faith looks like. I don’t have to look far for the best
example a daughter could have for a future husband and father.
My dad is my hero.
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