I dont know why I feel guilty when I dont post for awhile. For petes sake, I am the only one who reads this! I dont like the feeling of letting moments, thoughts, or inspirations pass me by!
Though that is the whole point of this blog, to document moments of every season of my life, sometimes I get "too caught up" in documenting that I forget to just be present. Be still and enjoy this season, this moment.
Ten years from now I am not going to remember that I didnt document the Daily Devotional I received on Oct. 24th. Ten years from now I want to remember that I LIVED each day in the present.
I fully LIVED for Christ each day and deepened my walk with Him.
So, though I did read a good devotional this morning, I would rather document today about what I am loving, what is inspiring me and Halloween!
Obviously loving the cutest nephew in the world! My sister is the best sending me pictures daily of him with cute captians. I had a little venting sesh with my sister yesterday. She then sent me this picture back saying "#iwillmakeitbetter." Yes, you wil Jace and yes with the hastag. She just started using hashtags, which are so pointless yet fun to use #outofcontrol |
I am loving my fall porch! This year I opted out for using corn stalks. They are kinda messy. Plus, it was too much fun having Jace with us this year that I totally forgot didnt even notice them. |
God has called us to a life of
adventure and I have been thinking a lot about what “adventure” really means.
Traveling to another country? Leaving SPU? St. Jude opportunities? Meeting new
people? Sometimes when I think adventures I automatically think fun, travel, easy
because it would be something that called calls us too right?! Well, I
was humbly reminded by a co-worker that adventures are not always going to be easy and costly at
times. I need to remember that and to keep in mind that they all won’t
be easy decisions and smooth paths. But it is hopeful to know that eventually
they all “work for the good of those who love him and have been called
according to his purpose” I just got to keep trusting in Him and pray He us
directing me to fulfill His purpose for my life daily.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose."
Romans 8:28

This was a quote that I got from my UTD experience in Memphis. There was a speaker who passed out many quotes that all started with "Be the person who.." We had to keep one that we wanted best represented our life. Living a life of discipline, purpose, and service to others sounds beautiful. |
My granpda inspires me! His first grandson!
Halloween is in exactly one week! I usually dont go all out for this holiday but I do appreciate it. My best friend Sarah and I have been planning a couples Halloween party once we both are married :) |

Confession- I got weak the other day and listened to Mariah Carey holiday CD one day (maybe two) last week! Say what!? Yes, it was a rainy day, cold and I caved! I texted my brother what I did and he lectured told me to stop listening and to enjoy the halloween holiday! Enjoy the fall leaves, the scary/spooky decor and all the fun things halloween brings.
He is SO right. Thanks bud for always helping me to stay in the moment. Love you! |
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