Monday, September 22, 2014

Motivation Monday- Purpose

Have you ever wondered what is YOUR purpose here on earth?
Why You exist?
Why you were made?

 PURPOSE : "the reason for which something exists or is done, made, or used."

I always knew that life is more the basketball, family, friends, my career
I knew that I God has called us to serve and love
I knew God has a purpose and a plan
It says in the bible "For I know the plans I have for you.." Jer. 29:11
But I had a hard time finding that plan for me
I had a hard time finding something I was passionate about
Seriously, I was lost
How do I find my purpose?

Fast forward 29 years, and lots of praying, self discovering, heart break, tears, anger and frustration and I am just now grasping that my purpose here on earth is not about me
Let me say that again, THIS LIFE IS NOT ABOUT ME
It is not about my family or friends
It is not about my career or even my wildest dreams or ambitions
(And I have BIG DREAMS!) 

If you want to know why you were placed on this planet
 you must begin with God
You and I were born by His purpose and for His purpose

"You were made by God and for God-and until you understand that, life will never make sense
It is only in God that we discover our origin, our identity, our meaning, our purpose, our significance, and our destiny"
-Rick Warren

Focusing on ourselves will never reveal our life's purpose
When we start looking outside ourselves
When we start living our life serving God by loving others
That is when we find our purpose

The easiest way for me to discover my purpose is to ASK GOD

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; 
knock and the door will be opened to you."
Matthew 7:7

This consisted of A LOT of praying for me
Praying for God to help me with my selfishness
Praying for God to show me how HE wants to use me
Praying that HE would guide me in the right direction 
Praying that HE would provide opportunities for me to serve
Praying for HIM to fire a passion in my heart

Last January 2012 and my roommate and I were talking about life
We both were in a rut in our careers and both felt we wanted more from life
This was the beginning of God tugging at my heart
This was when I knew I was created for more

My roommates mentor from high school sent her the prayer of Jabez that night:

"Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil." 1 Chronicles 4:9-10

I thought it couldn't hurt so I started praying that prayer everyday

Then that spring 2012 came
I was still in Seattle at this point working my athletics job at SPU 
I had been looking for ways for our athletes could get more involved in the community
I was searching for random charities and events that the SPU athletes could get involved with
I didn't even think about myself serving with them 

God had another idea...

I dont know why 
I don't remember how
But those charities were placed on my heart 
 I needed to contact them, so I did

I felt like my heart was going to burst with excitement
With purpose
With anxiety
With fear
All rolled into one!

That was the year I found one of my passions
I am head over heels in love with dedicating my life to helping children with pediatric cancer and illness

I know now that St. Jude and Make-A-Wish had been charities that were placed on my heart for a reason back in 2012 and that was just the beginning 

With Gods help I was able to get involved in Seattle 

I long to help 
I long to provide
I long to serve
I am sure of it

You know those pictures of famous people going into children's hospitals or fulfilling a wish?
They can instantly make a child smile

 I dream of having that ability one day being able to make children smile instantly

Smiles of JOY
Feelings of HOPE
Sense of LOVE
Sharing FAITH

Can you imagine having that ability?! 

But right now I am doing my best to follow what God has placed in front of me, with the resources He has given me, and of course the passion He has placed in my heart

So whether I am organizing a toy drive, running a race, climbing stairs, organizing fundraisers
Whether I am in Seattle, ARIZONA or AFRICA 
desire to spread more faith, hope, love and joy to those children who are in need

Is this my only purpose for my life?
I have other deep passions and big dreams
But what I do know God set my heart on fire two years ago for children
His children who are in need of HOPE
He broke my heart for what breaks His 
I am going to continue to ask God to show me
Use me for His Glory

AND guess what month is Childhood Cancer Awareness month?


Which happens to be my birthday month 

Maybe another way God is reassuring me :) 


  1. This is beautiful! Thanks for the encouragement lovely!

  2. So beautiful!! I love both of these charities and all of the good work they do for these children!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. For the past couple of years of I've been feeling like there has to be more to life than family, friends, career, future husbands, etc. I've been feeling like I need more than just living life on my own terms and begin to live on His terms. The Lord has placed in my heart that I needed to witness more to others, so when I read your post, I completely understand what you are saying. It is not about us, but it's about Jesus Christ. Great post!


I would love to hear how you are enjoying your journey!