Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Day 29 of Thankfulness
I am thankful for evenings that involve doing absolutely nothing but full of so many blessings
It helps that our house makes my heart leap every time I walk in!
There is nothing quite like Christmas lights and a blanket in the evening
Maybe add a good book and some hot chocolate:)
. Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Day 28 of Thankfulness
Three hours of Christmas music
Two hour SNL Christmas Special
One banana bread
Christmas magic in our home!
It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
I brought my decorations back Sunday after I went home for Thanksgiving
I had just a few boxes of decorations
I don't know how but I feel like I get more every year...hmmm
It must be those killer after Christmas deals I stock up on
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For the outside porch it seemed fitting to do an outdoorsy theme |
Lately I have been into baking, well and cooking for that matter
I have been enjoying how to get creative when cooking since I am trying to eat healthier
I love trying to get creative and see what I can come up with next
Of course, there is much trial and error
Lots of cook book and blogs
I am learning a lot of new recipes
Finding new fun kitchen gadgets
And having a great time
As much fun as the decorating, the baking and christmas music is, I always find myself having to pause for a moment to reflect on the REAL Christmas magic
Jesus Christ our Lord
"For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son"
John 3:16
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Day 27 of Thankfulness
I am sitting here on my living room floor
I am wrapped up in my favorite fleece blanket
I am full from a delicious homemade dinner and dessert
A smile on my face from a great conversation with my roommate
Christmas decorations surrounding me- going up tomorrow!
I am listening to my favorite Christmas music
I have a Merry Mistletoe candle burning
My heart if full
I am blessed
Thanksgiving may have past but tonight I sit here with a thankful heart. I have been reminded more than ever this year about the importance of being Thankfulness...choosing a grateful heart.
I like to think that I have always been grateful for what I have. I was always grateful for family, friends and health but this season I am experiencing a thankfulness that I have never experienced before.
As I strive to learn more about God daily
Love Him more
Serve Him more
I discover the purpose of my being
I was made BY God and FOR God
This life I live is meant FOR Gods glory
I always knew that God has blessed me
I have a great family, amazing friends and my health
But I am seeing more clearly that God has blessed me more than I deserve.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Day 26 of thankfulness
Going to the doctor, the eye and dentist are all appointments that I have been going to since I was young. I never knew any different. Didn't everyone want to stay healthy and have clean teeth?
It wasn't until I got a "big girl" job when I realized the importance of health benefits. I am blessed that SPU provides the very best especially in days like today.
Today at the dentist I had to get some cavities filled.
My whole right side of my face was numb
I was drooling everywhere
I couldn't eat for five hours afterwards
But you know what? All that was worth it because I know just how blessed I am to be able to not just go to the dentist but be able to fix my not-so-good teeth brushing habits.
I don't have any pictures of me at the dentist but I do have the cutest nephew who takes the cutest pictures :)
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Day 25 of Thankfulness
Today I am thankful for early morning volunteering with my cousins and SPU athletes
I am thankful for the platform I have to help make a difference
I am thankful for the time this morning to get to know some athletes better
I have never been to Madison Park area in Seattle. Boy was it pretty! The houses in the neighborhoods were amazing and the little shopping area with the Starbucks was so cute! With Christmas all around me I forget that it is still fall!
I was reminded yesterday again of the beauty and why I LOVE this season.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Day 24 of Thankfulness
Growing up my sister and I obsessed loved the Enumclaw Hornets
We thought those players were the coolest people ever
Each year we had our favorite girl who we always cheered a little harder for
but really we loved them all
We went to every game, near and far, and we also got to ride on the bus sometimes!
Whether or not they knew, they were role models for many young girls
Then it became my turn to be a Enumclaw Hornet
My turn to put on the Enumclaw hornet jersey
My turn to represent the Enumclaw High School
My turn to be a part of the team that I cheered on for many years
My turn to be a role model for the young girls
It was my turn
By Gods good grace I felt the same way as a player at SPU and I love working here
But there is just soemthing so comforting and nostalgic when I walk into the Enumlcaw gym
The memories
The sweat and tears
The games won by alot and the heart breaking loses
All come rushing back and I am that little girl again longing to play on this court
Thankfully, my sister is the head coach at Enumclaw
This is her fourth year
My sister is one of the best coaches I know
She is knowledgable
She is dedicated
She is passionate
She is a hard worker
She is a competitor
She is the perfect coach for Enumclaw High School
Today they had a shoot around before their jamboree at WRHS and I was able to come
I watched as Beth introduced Jace for the first time
I watched as her team set goals, did shooting drills, and got ready for their games
Brought back so many good memories
Today I am truly thankful for my roots
Thankful for my time as an Enumclaw hornet
Thankful I still find joy in coming back
I took this picture this morning at my aunt and uncles as I am watching my cousins for the weekend.
I stumbled across this CS Lewis quote.
God just wants us
Yes, every part of us
The broken
The hurt
The sinful
The doubter
The undeserving
He still wants us just as we are
He wants nothing in return
We just need to simply just be
Friday, November 23, 2012
Day 23 of Thankfulness
Black Friday- The hustle and bustle of the Christmas season is upon us!
Actually it has been here for the past two months
Why does it seem like Christmas comes earlier and earlier
It is impossible for our culture to enjoy one holiday at a time
Department stores decorate and holiday sales come earlier each passing year
I am not completely innocent, I do get caught up in the excitement of the holidays well before Halloween
But as much as I love Christmas but I also love to celebrate Halloween AND Thanksgiving and enjoy the gifts and excitement of each holiday
Thankfully, Christmas is much much more than the decorations
More than the presents and bows
More than the decorated trees and lights
And yes, even more than the Starbucks peppermint mochas
When Dec. 26th comes
The lights, decorations are being taken down
The presents have been opened
We still have the best present of all
His love
His grace
His mercy
His ever present presence in our lives
However, this doesnt mean I am not going to still enjoy the magic of Christmas
Believe me, they dont call me Jessie Christmassen for nothing!
But I am going to be more thankful
More appreciative
Love a little more
Give a little more
Share a little more about the Reason for the Season
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Day 22 of Thankfulness
Happy Thanksgiving!
This year we started new traditions and had a new addition!
New tradition #1 |
My amazing mom crafted together a "Thankful Tree" this year
She made paper leaves for our guest to write what they are thankful this year
When my mom told me her idea, I decided to make one for the SPU office
What can I say like mother- like daughter :)
After the meal and board games we gathered around the piano and sang Christmas carols while my Uncle Steve played his magic
My mom even made booklets of Christma carols!
New tradition #2- Christmas carols |
And the newest addition to our Thanksgiving craziness festivities is the one and only Jace!
Beth and Kevin have been switching every other year for the holidays
This year Kevin had to work so Jace and Beth were able to spend some time with us
Who knows who the next new addition will be;)
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I love this little guy more than I thought was possible! |
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays for many reason
Nothing is better when family and friends get together for the holidays
Today I am thankful for:
A mom and dad who have created a house of love and tradition
A place to come home too for Thanksgiving
Turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes and pumkpin pie
Boards games that create endless amounts of laughter
Footballl on TV for those (grandpa) who need a more low-key activity
My dad praying before the meal
My mom and her passion to create new taditions
Baby Jace and the joy he brings
Excitement for the holiday season coming up

Just when I think that life quite possibly could not get any better,
That God has blessed me with more than enough...
Thanksgiving comes around and I am filled with more joy than I ever thought possible
God continues to remind me what life is all about
Love...His ever consuming love for us
For His love truly endures forever
For that I am forever grateful
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Day 21 of Thankfulness
Is there anything better than getting lost into a good book?
I love fantasy books
Harry Potter
Hunger Games
Lord of the Rings
You get the picture
I love a book or series that captures my imagination and lets my mind get lost into that world
Well, tonight was the end of an era
I just got back from the last Twilight movie
It did not disappoint
Team Edward or Team Jacob it didn't matter
Over the past five years the world has been enamored with this series
It captured the minds of our nation (young and old!)
Many critiqued the author and her writing
Some said the plot was stupid
Others put down the acting
Well, you know what? I don't care
This series captured the minds of many, many youth and got our nation reading
This series brought hours and hours of entertainment through books and movies
And for that I am thankful
Thanks goodness for The Hunger Games!
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Seriously, if it was not Thanksgiving tomorrow this would be me! |
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Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Day 20 of Thankfulness
I try to be strong but I fail
I try to stay positive but I fail
I try to show grace but I fail
I try to be unselfish but I fail
I try have complete trust but I fail
See a pattern?
However, I was reminded today that I don't need to be strong ALL the time
I don't need to have it all together ALL the time
Because God is my strength and you know what?
He doesn't fail...ever
So when I have days where I feel defeated
I am tired
I am overwhelmed
That is ok, because I know that my strength doesn't come from me
or this world
It comes only in Him..
...And He never fails
The Lord is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me.
My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.
Psalm 28:7
The Lord is my strength and my defense
He has become my salvation.
He is my God, and I will praise Him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him."
Exodus 15:2
I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.
Phil. 4:13
And just because my nephew is too darn cute not to show these pictures!
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Ae they not the cutest God-fearing, small-town loving, plaid-wearing family ever?! I have a sister and brother-in-law and now nephew who truly bless me everyday. |
Monday, November 19, 2012
Day 19 of Thankfulness
Today it rained
And it rained
And it rained
(And I have yet to buy a pair of rain boots)
Yes, I know it is Seattle, we should be used to it right?
But I haven't seen Seattle rain this hard in a long time
Not only rain but massive wind
The power ended up going out at work
As I gathered my things to leave I took one more glance outside
I watched as students ran in panic to get to shelter
Drivers trying to figure out what was going on with the stop light
Water everywhere
I mean everywhere
The streets were flooding
Traffic was horrible
Car accidents filled the radio
I think today it finally hit me the devastation of Hurricane Sandy
I was complaining because my new shoes were getting soaked from walking to my car to work
And to think, Seattle experienced 1/100th of what the east coast experienced
Today I am thankful I still have a place to come home too
A warm house
A safe place I can run too when the rains start to pour
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Day 18 of Thankfulness
Today the sun wasn’t shining
Today was rainy and wet
And as I drove around this morning, I was reminded that winter
is coming soon
I saw many trees with the leaves completely gone
And you know what? I made me kind of sad
Fall is my absolute favorite season
I love everything about this season
And one of the main reasons is the beauty of the season
Gods’ beauty of creation shines this time of year
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Doesn't this just make you want to take a walk down this street? (sigh) Bucket List- visit east coast/new england during the fall |
Today I took a moment to take in Gods beauty
To thank Him for making this season so extraordinary, beautiful and simply amazing
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Day 17 of Thankfulness
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital has found it's way into my heart
Today I was reminded of the power of HOPE
Hope to give one more time
Hope to walk one more step
Hope to find a cure
Hope for the children
Hope for one more smile
Hope to save lives
I walk. I give. To help kids live.
St. Jude Children's hospital Give Thanks. Walk 2012