Day 5
3 gifts acorn-small
1- Daily vitamins! I know I already mentioned Advocare but the the impact the vitamins have had on my health, training, energy and fitness goals has been amazing! I am thankful daily for Advocare coming into my life.
2- My cross necklace my parents gave me for my 25th birthday. I wear it everyday, all day. It is the one piece of jewelry that always completes.
3- I think sometimes we get overwhelmed by how much faith we think we need for God to move in our lives. We feel that we need to be more faithful for God to answer our prayers. When really this verse tells us that having faith the size of only a mustard seed can move mountains.
Speaking of faith...
After a rough day feeling the enemy pry his way into my thoughts
Tearing me down little by little these past couple weeks
Causing doubt and distraction
"God can reverse, restore, revive, and renew. Be on the lookout for His plans that are already in motion right now, even in the midst of your difficult time. He can take any circumstance and use it for your good and His glory. "
BUT God is bigger
I received a text after work tonight that gave me more details on a dream of mine
A dream I was starting to wonder if it would happen
You guys why do we doubt?!
God doesn't promise an easy life with no trials or turbulence
But He does promise to give us the desires of our hearts
He does promise to never leave us
Oh, how He loves us!
God knows our hearts desires and wants to bless us!
I was reminded today that our God is bigger than any circumstances or unfulfilled dreams
God is working on our behalf every day
He is strategically moving in our lives, preparing us for His glory
For that, I am thankful.

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